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Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Arrive in Tanzania

Hello from Tanzania! The last two members of our team have arrived in good spirits and with all their luggage. So, it's all systems go. A late dinner after a long flight was eagerly taken after their 24 hour flight from the States. Any residual stress from the day was completely eased out of the system by the exceptional South African wine Darren generously shared with Bill and me. The rest of the group got here at different times today, with the Craig, Patti, and Joe arriving on the 4:00 AM flight. Mary, Shavran, and Liz arrivied from a nearby hotel just after lunch, having wisely chosen to arrive earlier to adjust to the time zone and relax a bit before the climb. It was great to catch up with my friend Craig, along with Joe and Patti today at breakfast and lunch. The later group joined us at the lunch table when they arrived, allowing us to get to know each other better. I think we have an exceptional group of individuals that will become a fun team in the days to come. Once again I'm exited to be back in Tanzania. Stepping off the plane and breathing in the wonderful smells of this country bring back good memories. I'm constantly reminded that it's the people, as much as the mountain, that makes this such a special trip. Tomorrow morning we get busy as we get together to discuss our upcoming climb of Kilimanjaro, including checking and organizing our gear. Well, I should get some rest too. Good night for now. RMI Guide Brent Okita

Comments (1)

Go team go!  Especially Mary!  Watching with great interest from this side of the pond…

Posted by: Dave on

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