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Machu Picchu: King & Team Hit the Trail

We left Cusco at 5 am and headed for the small village if Mollepata. Our drive took us down a spectacular winding highway from the high Andean steppe into a heavily forested valley. With rain hitting the windshield we could see fresh snow up around 18,000’ when the clouds would break. Once our shuttle arrived at Soraypampa we ate a light breakfast and began hiking. The day was a mix of sun, wind, rain, snow and a little bit of “just right”. The Team got to use all their layers today and we didn’t envy the less prepared “backpackers” who had ponchos and jeans on. We are having a great time and enjoyed some views of Nevado Salkantay 20,452’ until the weather rolled in. The hike follows a narrowing valley and eventually parallels an enormous glacial moraine. The good eating has already begun, trout, rice and potato soup for lunch; we get spoiled on these programs. Our local staff and horseman are extremely nice and hardworking. Thanks for following along. We will check in tomorrow after going over the 16,000’ Incachiriaska Pass. RMI Guide Mike King

Comments (2)

Miss you all and am thinking of you! I went to the doctor today - my wrist is fine, but I have a raging respiratory infection. Spent the day in bed with meds! I made the right decision to stay behind - I’m coughing like a 2-pack a day smoker!

Posted by: Dori on

Keep up the good work!!
It must have been Chad wearing jeans:)


Posted by: Eddie Leonard on

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