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Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Improve Camp Life at 14,000’

We woke from our first day at 14,000' camp to beautifully clear skies and stunning views of the West Buttress to our north and the rest of the Alaska Range to our south, punctuated by the other two massive peaks in the range, Mt. Hunter & Foraker. After a modest breakfast of granola and hot drinks, we headed back down hill to retrieve our cache, just shy of Windy Corner. That trip involved just over an hour of moving, so we're enjoying lots of rest the rest of the day. Besides resting, eating, and hydrating, were doing some chores around camp, like improving our kitchen/eating tent by digging it deeper and wider and buffing out the seating. We have a rest day planned for tomorrow. That usually means sleeping in and some form of bacon and eggs breakfast burritos for an extended brunch. We'll touch base again tomorrow. RMI Guide Mike Walter

On The Map

Comments (2)

Go Tom Mulvey from San Rafael Rotary!  May the weather favor you the rest of the way too! You deserve an easy one this time.

Posted by: Paul Claeyssens on

The cream of the crop will rise to the top

Posted by: Chris Torney on

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