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Aconcagua: Gorum & Team Arrive at First Trek Camp

Well, the summit is still very far away, but we are headed in the right direction. We left Penitentes this morning at 10:30 am with perfect weather. Temperatures were warm but not scorching, and there was a nice breeze to keep things bearable. Everyone was excited to get some blood flowing after long travel days, and we made it to our camp at Pampa de LeƱas in about four and a half hours. It always takes me a few days to adjust to the desert climate, but everyone else seems to be fitting right in. No sunburns, no blisters, just efficient movement through a giant valley. The only snafu of the day occurred when a localized dirt tornado blew through camp and sucked one of our sleeping pads into the stratosphere. If it entered restricted airspace no one noticed, or no one cared. Against all odds, it fluttered back down to camp. A casual stroll and a quick inspection revealed that it was no worse for the wear. Weā€™re about to sit down for one of the best meals of the trip. A traditional Argentinian asado, with meats of all kinds cooked over an open flame. Then weā€™ll go to sleep under the stars, and continue the journey tomorrow. RMI Guides JM Gorum, Hannah Smith, and Avery Parrinello

On The Map

Comments (1)

Happy New Year team!  Hope you have a fantastic trip up the mountain! Someone give Hannah a hug from her momma!

Posted by: Shannon Smith on

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