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Aconcagua Expedition: King & Team Move to Camp 2

After returning from our carry yesterday the snowfield above our camp had soaked up more UV radiation than the Tropicana sun tan lotion team. This created a flooding event that required earthwork and various channels to divert the water away from our tents. We worked faster than FEMA during Hurricane Katrina because we not only had skin in the game but nice fluffy down sleeping bags to keep dry. By the time our Team completed a micro Suez Canal, the snow started falling and would blanket the mountain by midnight, go figure. Led Zeppelin said that when the levy breaks, you have no place to go, we decided to challenge that statement and move to Camp 2 this morning. While people walked on frozen and slick rocks this morning, the sun rose like it does everyday and made for a great day to 18,000’. Our Camp 2 is technically the now closed Guanacos Route, Camp 3. It is placed between two old snowfields that would have been glaciers maybe a few hundred years ago. With views of the Polish Glacier to our south and the heavily glaciated peaks to the North we couldn’t get a better place to enjoy the afternoon. The Team has been putting in hard work and it’s paid off with a day off for Christmas, Festivus or whatever they celebrate. If we hadn’t taken a day off there might have been some airing of grievances and a few feats of strength. Fortunately, the guides have some treats planned and nice breakfast for the group. The winds that were forecasted have been pushed back a few days and we are all grateful that the dead still air has allowed for such a great trip above Plaza Argentina. Everyone sends their love back home for the holidays. RMI Guide Mike King

On The Map

Comments (6)

Merry Christmas to everyone!

We very much enjoyed the Hungarian ring this morning that Kathy baked for us (the O’Dowd Christmas staple).

Michael. Olga, Dennis and Platon

Posted by: Olga ODOWD on

Merry Christmas S&G! They were streaming in last night at St. John’s Parish (sat next to the obermeyers). We housed some donato’s last night and already enjoyed it Waffle House this morning. The boys are helping gma finish off the icing for the cinnamon rolls. Rowe was too excited to sleep last night, lol! Miss you!!!

Posted by: Chartbigs on

Feliz Navidad from Arica, Chile.

Loved your last post. What a challenge! Stay safe! I hope Santa had enough snow to maneuver his sleigh.
Love you Glo!


Posted by: Michelle on

Hi! Nicholas,

Merry Christmas! Thinking of you and the team. Safe traversing! I love you, Dad

Posted by: John on

Merry Christmas, Mike. We are having a few nice days in Georgia before another week of rain. Will start clearing the trail up Sweat Mountain soon.  Stay safe.  Dad

Posted by: Ron King on

P and G,
Sending our love your way.

Love you,

Posted by: Paul on

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