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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith Checks in from Kathmandu

Hello everyone from Nepal! We have been in Kathmandu a handful of days now enjoying the food and culture as we get ready for our climb. The climb we are apart of is called Mission Saipal. Mission Saipal is an international climbing team composed of four different nationalities (Spanish, Italian, Nepalese, and American) coming together to climb in the far west region of Nepal.This area of Nepal is rarely visited by western tourist/climbers. Our mission out there is to join forces with four Nepali women who want to fight for women's rights and emancipation in the Saipal region of Nepal by climbing a peak near their village. These women come from a culture that sees women as inferior, second class to the men. They have little respect and freedom to do what they please. They have yet to gain equal rights. Our purpose of this climb is a social one. We are climbing together to show everyone that women are strong, independent, and equal. They are courageously taking the steps to change the view of women, to a more positive one. We hope to be the catalyst for change to improve the way of life for these women and future women. We are all very excited for this opportunity to climb together. This is a journey we will all remember and hopefully be life changing. Tomorrow we kick of the adventure by taking a plane ride to Dhangadi followed by a four hour drive to Dadheldhura. Namaste, RMI Guide Hannah Smith

Comments (4)

Gloria and team! so admire your commitment and adventurous spirit. Looking forward to frequent blogs.
Be safe and strong!

Posted by: Mary Ann on

Good luck! Be safe and powerful. The very best to all of you.

Posted by: Nira givon on

to Gloria and her Team! The best of luck! I think your perseverance is going to pay off in so many good ways! Stay safe and thank you for speaking out for the rights of people.

Posted by: Michelle on


So glad to hear you are on your adventure!  All of us that attended your Paradise Seminar were touched by your excitement and sense of anticipation.  Wishing all of you the best!

Se Se

Posted by: John Murray on

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