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Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Enjoy Last Day in Africa

Before parting ways the team had one last day to see animals. It had been a really busy trip so far so half the group opted to sleep in while the other half got up early in search of some more close encounters. We were not disappointed. First, we spent 10-15 minutes within 10 yards of a huge giraffe. Not bad, but our next big break came when we got surrounded by a family of elephants, including the cutest little baby. These critters were sometimes no more than 5' away. And we were in their midst for over half an hour. Incredible! Then, getting to watch a huge herd of water buffalo heading to the river, again at unreal distances, was darned special. The herd must have numbered around 100. This, in addition to seeing countless other animals made our last day wonderful. The only animal we missed out on that day was seeing a lion. But, wouldn't you know that the sleepyhead crew found a beautiful lioness that hung out right next to their Landcruiser! So we all had a great last day. We then drove back to the hotel, with a short break at a cultural center, to relax and shower before getting our evening flights out of Tanzania. Most of the crew actually built in an extra day or three to maximize their time abroad. Smart people! The two weeks went by quickly, as they tend to do when we're as busy as we were. I think I speak for the whole team when I say what a great time it was. A fun adventure with a great bunch of folks. This is what climbing trips are all about, and what keeps me doing this for as long as I have. I know I'll be climbing with the team again on a new adventure sometime. I hope you've enjoyed these posts of our adventures. Perhaps I'll see you on a climb sometime. Kilimanjaro in 2019 anyone??? Take care and safe travels, RMI Guide Brent Okita

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