Mt. Rainier: Emmons Team Summits!
RMI Guide JM Gorum called to let us know that the Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons Team were on the summit of Mt. Rainier. The team put their week of training to work and climb via the Emmons Route on Mt. Rainier. JM reported cold and windy temperatures, but a great climbing route. The team is on their descent back to Camp Schurman where where they will spend the night before hiking out tomorrow.
Congratulations to Today's Team.
Comments (1)
Felicidades! Shout out to our son Jacob Johnson! Proud of you! Praying and know this was not easy! But you are an overcomer!!!! #type1diabetesnotkeepingmedown Congrats to all the team and thanks for your teamwork!
Posted by: Don and Barb Johnson on