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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Enjoy an Easy Day

Today was just plain easy. The weather was fine, the flight to Chile is still on for tomorrow, the food was plentiful... stress was low, all around. We played games, attended history lectures, rested and talked endlessly with adventurers, explorers and climbers. The dining tent at Union Glacier is an international crossroads beyond compare. It isn’t uncommon to hear a different language -or two- at each table as one passes through with platefuls of fresh fruit and veggies flown onto the Ice from South America. Life is way easier here than out at Vinson, but we’re still talking animatedly about summit day there... or about the storms that challenged us. But now we’re also starting to talk about travel plans and what might be next... for climbing or visiting or just for living. If all goes well, we could be back in Punta Arenas tomorrow night, which would require lots of switching gears and reconnecting with the world. For tonight though, we’re still sleeping on snow in a world of our own. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Comments (1)

Congratulations to all ! Thanks for sharing your trip.

Posted by: David Clemmons on

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