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Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Tour the Tarangire National Park

Yesterday's visit to Ngorongoro Crater, considered by many to be the eighth wonder of the world, was a memorable experience. The crater is almost exactly 100 square miles and we did fine work of covering a big chunk of it. Today we left our lodge and traveled to Tarangire National Park. A bit of shopping on the way and a stop at a Masaai Village turned out to be a lot of fun. The local village opened their huts up for a visit from the team. These kind and gentle people shared their history and way of life. The rest of the drive took us through the park having to weave around hundreds and hundreds of elephants, zebras, gazelles, cats, and giraffes to name a few. A mild day with some cloud cover made for a pleasant game drive. We are in a luxury tented camp that pretty much knocks your socks off. Life is not to tough out here in the bush and the team is having a blast. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

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