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Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Summit!

Amazingly, most of the team actually got some sleep last night before I made my rounds to wake folks up just past 11:00pm. The night sky was amazingly clear and calm, and though the temps at camp were below freezing it felt a lot warmer than I had expected. Our 7 1/2 hour ascent covered a variety of terrain from scree to rock, and got colder as we gained altitude. In fact, all the Camelback hydration systems people insisted on bringing froze and became useless until low on our descent. What a big mountain. Our team couldn't believe that our summit bid could go on for so long. But, at about 7:30 we finally reached the summit, Uhuru Peak at 19,340'. What was most impressive was that everyone summitted! The team just put their heads down, pressure breathed and got it done. But a big thanks needs to go out to our local guides: James, Freddy, Peter, Patrick, Naiman and Venance. They worked tirelessly to help the team achieve this dream. Following our summit, we were greeted with a nice lunch upon arriving back at camp, then there was the five-hour hike to our next camp at about 10,000' Mweka Camp. Sore feet and knees were casualties of the descent, but it sure feels good to be down here now. Especially after another great meal prepared by Tosha, our chef. The eyelids are growing heavy, so I'll bid you all good night. RMI Guide Brent Okita

On The Map

Comments (9)

Very inspiring! Already buying the tickets to Tanzania :-)
Congratulations for accomplishing the goal together having an heterogenous group
Having fun and self-overcoming is a fantastic mix

Posted by: Matias Levin on

big congrats to Kavine and Rohaan! so impressed with you both! mountain climbing for old and young! ♥️

Posted by: kavi moltz on

Kavine and Rohaan - such an amazing and inspirational accomplishment; rohnu - especially you to have done this at such a young age - what more will you go on to do? This is something you both will cherish forever. Congratulations! Looking forward to fattening the both of you this next week here in london.

Posted by: Haneet vaswani on

Congratulations to all of you, the whole team.
All of your preparations have paid off obviously.
What an amazing achievement.
An enormous thanks to you Brent for sharing your experience and skills in getting everyone there and back. But most of all my best wishes go to the youngest man in the house, Stephen. I know you had your big bro and the two lads there to help but fair dues Stephen, fair dues.

Love to all.

Posted by: Des on

You made it!! Rohaan/Kavine, so happy for you and that sunrise will be seared in your mind forever! Bravo on true grit and determination! Can’t wait to hear the stories over Martinis!!!

Posted by: Rich on

This is another success, for Mr kavine and Rohaan. The win today and there are many milestones Mr kavine made in the past, which speak of his hard work and talent. The never give up attitude is inspiring to us and I would like to wish him and Rohaan congratulation for this wonderful joy.

Posted by: Vvs prasad on

Congrats to all of ye, what a great achievement. Looking forward to hearing all of the stories. Travel down safely. Love from all the hollyhill gang xxxxx

Posted by: Ber o'riordan on

Congratulations to my brother Kavine and my nephew Rohaan - what an amazing achievement. Views look amazing and I can only imagine the sense of accomplishment. Way to go guys. Am extremely proud of you both.

Posted by: Sameer Vaswani on

WE COULD NOT BE MORE PROUD OF EACH OF YOU!  What an amazing accomplishment!  So happy you could all help Anne celebrate her special birthday with such an amazing feat!  Now rest up and come down safely!!!!

Posted by: Parella Family on

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