Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Pull Heavy Loads up Ski Hill
Posted by: Mike Haugen, Pepper Dee, Gloria Roe
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 7,800'

June 16, 2017 10:02 pm PST
Greetings from Camp 1 on Denali!
Today the team took an early morning stroll up the Kahiltna, only mildly inconvenienced by absurdly large packs and sleds packed with all the supplies as food we'll need for the next several weeks. Traveling with so much weight takes some getting used to, and everyone is doing a great job adapting to the new systems in play. We arrived at the base of Ski Hill in a heavy snow fall, but after a much needed afternoon nap the sun came out and we were able to get a good view of our spectacular surroundings.
Tomorrow, weather permitting, the plan is to walk uphill some more! With any luck, we'll be checking in from 9,600' tomorrow night.
In Horiskey we trust,
RMI Guides Mike Haugen, Pepper Dee, and Gloria Roe
Comments (3)
I love the red tents against the white. Must be fabulous to look around you!
Posted by: Michelle W on
Pictures are aMazing! Know there are many following you and sending you warmth and good vibes every step of the way!
Big Love to all if you!
Posted by: Ann Cook on
Marc - You da MAN! Be safe and have fun
Posted by: Richard on