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Everest Base Camp Trek: Grom & Team’s Rest Day in Pheriche

Namaste everyone. All is well here at Pheriche. Today was a scheduled rest day, which doesn't mean we lay around, it usually means we have a little exercise to help our bodies continue to acclimatize. So today we climbed up the local hill, outside of Pheriche, that rises over 16,000ft, higher than Mt. Rainier, and set a few altitude records for some of the team. We've been spending our time relaxing in the dining room of this tea house where it's the warmest. We are more than a thousand feet above tree line, so burning wood isn't much of an option. As per Tibetan tradition, the local Sherpa people collect the dung from Yaks and dry it. Although this may seem like it could lead to an odiferous situation, the stove actually burns very clean and keeps us quite warm. Everyone is in good spirits and looking forward to making our way slightly further uphill. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

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