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Ecuador Seminar: Hunt & Team Practice Advanced Mountaineering Skills

Training day on Antisana. After a good dinner last night and plenty of rest, the team was up and in good spirits this morning. After a relaxing breakfast with coffee, hot cereal, and chill out music, we geared up and headed uphill to the training site for the day. The lower flanks of Antisana's glaciers are a rolling field of hard blue ice, making an excellent site to practice some of the more advanced mountaineering skills. We covered steep fixed line travel with ascenders, rappelling, and vertical ice climbing. Everyone had a good time today! We wrapped the day up in the early afternoon, getting back to our base camp just after 1pm. This gave us plenty of time to crush some quesadillas for lunch and prepare for our summit attempt tonight. We are going to have an early night tonight, and go for the top of Antisana this evening. Wish us luck! We'll check in tomorrow when we're back down. Until then, RMI Guides Nick Hunt, Steve Gately, and the rest of the Ecuador team

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