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Aconcagua: Gately & Team Enjoy Rest and Prepare for Move

Ah, the rest day! A whole day spent just relaxing and taking care of ourselves. It's the dream, right!? Not always, it can be a real struggle to find ways to pass the hours and a lot of our climbers find the lack of an agenda anything but relaxing. Luckily our team seems to be coping with all the free time like expedition veterans. This morning we started with a scrambled egg breakfast with onions, peppers and tomatoes. The group split after breakfast and have been passing the time by reading, taking walls through old glacial moraines and the occasional nap. This afternoon we'll prepare for our move to Camp 1 (16,200ft) by dividing up our remaining group gear and discussing our strategy for the upper mountain. Our forecast is calling for increasing winds over the next few days, with the highest winds coming in at 45mph at Camp 1 and well over 70mph on the summit! We take things one day at a time up here in the high mountains and will be looking at the forecast closely over the next few days. The team is excited to move up and ready for the challenges that Aconcagua has to throw at us. Pray to the weather Gods for us! Thanks for following! RMI Guide Steve Gately

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Comments (1)

We’re sending our best wishes and prayers for all of you from Boyd’s hometown….it’s supposed to be 85 degrees here tomorrow (Tuesday) with a low of 67…..aren’t those the same temps on ACON? LOL! We’ve been enjoying Steve and Hannah’s daily comments. And here’s hoping the wind prognosis is not accurate!  Peggy and John

Posted by: John on

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