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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Move to High Camp

Finally in position.  We moved up to Vinson high camp today (12,300 ft).   It was calm at Low Camp this morning when we climbed out of our tents, but it really didn't look that great up high -from our vantage point.  There were still big wind sculpted clouds attached to the high summits.  Our radio conversations with friends at high camp told a different story... they said it was calm and warm at high camp and folks were headed for the top.  We geared up... dragging our feet just a bit in case the weather turned obviously bad.  But it didn't.  We left our longtime home at low camp (9,200 ft) at 1:40 and cruised up in about six hours.  Fog overtook the team about half way up the ropes though, and stuck with us to high camp, so we didn't have any views.   We reached camp about when the summit teams were getting back.  They'd been above the clouds on the top.  With all of our team feeling good and strong, it didn't take much time to build our camp, eat dinner and get to bed.  We 've got a big day coming up tomorrow.  Perhaps we'll get some views along the way.  Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Post Storm

December 5, 2016


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