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Shishapangma: Elias & Team Finish Second Rotation

And... the winds brought us back to Shishapangma Base Camp. We had an incredibly rough night at Camp 1. The storm that unleashed upon finishing our well accomplished tasks above Camp 1 the previous day, was so fierce, that continued this morning with even more determination to make us cut our rotation one day short. After fighting the winds securing our camp, and managing to make breakfast, it was clear we weren't going to get a break. We descended towards Base Camp fully bundled in our warm equipment, knowing though that our well spent time up there is going to pay dividends soon. Now we go to enjoy some more rest in anticipation of our next move. Spirits are high and we look forward to good weather soon! Best regards from Base Camp, RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

Comments (7)

Sorry we missed your call to us this morning with the happy anniversary wishes, but we really appreciated your message and expression of affection. The diner and after party last night was a smash success (or so I’m told). As you might have expected, in keeping with my careful allocation of excess consumption occasions, I duly allocated last night’s affair as my one such occasion for 2016. And as I’d expected, today was a total loss, dedicated exclusively to aspirin, antacids, rehydration and horizontal recovery!  Hopefully your retreat to Base camp was uneventful and the rest there today fulfilling and complete - and even better than mine!. Wishing you and the team nothing but fair skies and calm air from here on!
Love from us both.

Posted by: Rick Deerwester on

Go go go! Enjoy and good luck :)

Posted by: Carlos on

Wow! Sounds like you guys are having quite the adventure! All of us at Toyota are rooting for you and cheering you on !!!! Stay warm and we are so excited to hear all about your adventure soon!
We decided that we would combine your names (Fred & Jack) and dub you ‘Team Frack”....Lol.
So go Team Frack!! We are so proud of you!

Posted by: Dawn on

I am so impressed by all of you.  It must be extra tough going with all the wind.  Every morning I can’t wait to get on the PC and read what is going on. Stay warm and happy.

Posted by: Betty (Art's sister) on

Stay warm, rest up! The winds have to calm down, right??
Oh and Happy Anniversary to Jarrett

Posted by: Trish on

Enjoying the email updates.  Hope all continue to stay healthy and strong.  Best wishes for good weather and great and safe climbing. 


Posted by: Mike G. on

Rest well and hope the weather gets better.

Posted by: Hikari on

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