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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Reach High Camp, Barafu

Greetings from "Ice" Camp... Barafu in Swahili. We reached the 15,000 ft high camp on Kilimanjaro a little after 11 this morning. It took us less than three hours to come the two miles and 2000 vertical feet up from Karanga. It was a quiet and calm night for us in Karanga and the morning was windless and sunny. For the first time during our climb, there wasn't a shred of cloud on Kibo and no sign that the air was moving around up there either. The ocean of bright white cloud below us stretched from horizon to horizon with only 16,000 ft Mt. Meru standing out like an island to the west. By the time we'd come into Barafu, puffy cumulus was blocking out the sun and disguising Kilimanjaro's upper slopes once again. We settled in, had lunch and then met with Freddy, Tadey, Filbert and Eric... our all star local guide staff. We talked over the plan for an Alpine start... Up at 11:30 tonight, breakfast at midnight and set out for the top at zero-dark-thirty. The guides gave helpful advice and encouragement and then we retired to the tents for an afternoon rest. We'll do an early dinner and turn in for some final rest. Big day tomorrow and everything is looking perfect for climbing. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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