Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Embark on 11,200’
Posted by: Jake Beren, JM Gorum, Katrina Bloemsma
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 11,200'
June 6, 2016 - 11:12 pm PT
D- Day 2016
The team launched at dawn, storming the Kahiltna, avoiding the pillbox seracs overhead and the minefields of crevasses below. After a few hours on the offensive the team took the hill at 10,000 feet and moved into a classic flanking maneuver to set up for our assault on 11K. Once the initial defenses were breached, we dug our foxholes and hunkered down to await the next wave. A reprieve came in the afternoon and the team was able to enjoy a hot meal of Mac and cheese before bedding down for the evening. We suffered no casualties and took no prisoners.
RMI Guide Jake Beren
Comments (2)
Go Jason!!
Posted by: Hoppes on
Whoo Hoo Jason our gang is cheering you on! Continuing to pray for you and your teams success and safety ! The Broek Family
Posted by: Broek Gang on