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Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Rest Day at Camp 2

We woke this morning to our first bit of precipitation. When I stuck my head out of the tent around 5 am, we were essentially in a cloud with some light flurries coming down but now the clouds have parted a bit and we're enjoying views towards Mercedario again. It's calm and more or less pleasant but we are waiting for a system to hit this afternoon with wind and precipitation. We are on a scheduled rest day and will hopefully see what this storm brings before we try and figure out our next move. When a window presents itself we'll make a move for high camp at Plaza Cólera and hopefully take a crack at the summit the following day. But for now... We're about to be stuck in a holding pattern. On a brighter note, we are celebrating a teammate's birthday today complete with a cake and balloons courtesy of Katrina. Hoping everyone at home wishes John a happy one! Signing off for now, RMI Guide Billy Nugent

Comments (8)

Dear Dad
We are glad that there are only 9 more days until you get home.  We are missing on you.  LOVE:  Addy Leith Babe

I love you Dad so much.  We can’t stop thinking of you because you are our best dad and babe ever.  Love, Leith

Posted by: Addelyn on

Hey Babe!!

Hope all your crazy coats are keeping you warm while you wait out the storm!!  We are praying hard you stay safe but have a chance at the summit- hearing the kids prayers would bring a smile to your face for sure!!  Can’t wait to see the pics and hear all about your adventures- I like Charlyn an def looking forward to seeing that beard and crusty the clown hair you most likely have by now!!

The kids did awesome in their games yesterday and Mason even played on Bails team since they were short players!!

Stay safe all!!

Posted by: Bre on

Hi Rand…Looking at the weather forecast and it looks a tad chilly up there. I’ve got the hot tub all ready for your return. Just imagine hot tub and a glass of wine…hopefully the image warms you up a little. And how about some fresh pasta? Bet you are getting pretty sick of bars by now. Haha. I miss you and counting down the days until you are home. Stay strong! I love you!

Posted by: Lisa Irwin on

Well, we thought you would be making the ascent yesterday to beat the storm, but guess we were wrong - didn’t factor in needed acclimatization at 18,000 feet.
Our thoughts are with you and hope a break in the weather gives your team a chance to see the summit.  In the mean time STAY WARM while waiting out the storm.

Love you,
Dad & Luz

Posted by: Dad & Luz on

Happy birthday, John!  What a way to celebrate!!!

You’ve got your family standing right beside you and rooting for ya every step of the way!!!
Praying for calm weather and your safety, of course!
Kids had a bball game today, but Addy had to skip due to a head cold.  Hope you’re staying healthy. 
PSA:  beware everyone if he, God forbid, comes down with a cold;). Don’t take anything personally;)
We love you, babe.  Stay dry, warm, strong and capable.  Looking forward to the day when we get to see your beard and full head of hair again!  Even more excited to see your dimples though:)
Loads of love,
Char and kids

Posted by: Charlyn on


Hope all is well and good luck getting to the top. Great way to miss snow shoveling in New Jersey!!

Loz ends

Posted by: tom lozier on

Good luck Dad!! Mom and I are pulling for you!  Stick with it and get to the top!


Sam and Mom

Posted by: Sam Falkenhagen on

Hello Rob!!

I’m shivering looking at your weather forecast ...brrrrrr!!!

It looks like Thursday afternoon and eve has a break in the wind ...if you call 25 -35 mph a break ?? Maybe that will be the day??
My fingers are crossed and prayers are getting shouted out regularly. I guess its out of everyone’s control and you all will learn the true meaning of surrender.

Stay warm, strong and positive Robbie!!

Thinking of you and sending sweet thoughts!

Remember…. Right here…Right now…:)


Posted by: MFG on

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