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Mt. Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Enjoy Their First Day on Safari

Today we traveled to Lake Manyara. It was the first day of our four day safari through Tanzania and we had a great day. Here is what the team had to say about our day in the bush. TOP TEN LIST One comment about today? 1. The hippos fighting in the pool - Peter 2. The first sighting of a herd of Zebra right next to our vehicle - Chelsea 3. Observing the silver billed horn bird take a dust bath - Bonny 4. Take off and landing of a huge flock of yellow billed storks - Mark 5. Taking in the sights of land and people on the highway while standing up with head out off open roofed Land Rover - Nate 6. Baby Baboon riding on the back of it's mother, with cute ears - Elizabeth 7. Bargaining skills of local guys trying to sell a necklace - Jonathan 8. Vista of the Great Rift Valley from on top of the escarpment - William 9. Diversity of wild life in the field of vision at one moment - Allidah 10. The over easy eggs at breakfast - Madison

Comments (1)

Carl and I went on our own safari to Highclere Castle today.  Not only is the Castle breathtaking, but the grounds are truly amazing. BUT, I think I would trade in a minute for YOUR safari!  Love the comments.  Soak up every minute!  xo Allison

Posted by: Allison Muller on

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