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Mt. McKinley: Smoke & Snow for Hahn & Team at 11,200’

The wind and snow conspired to make for a tough and noisy night in the tents last night. A few intrepid souls got out in the storm to dig away the encroaching drifts. Morning brought less wind, but the snow continued as the guides served breakfast in bed. It was slightly surreal to have the strong smell of forest fire smoke mixed in with heavily falling snow while camped so far from trees. Eventually the snow slowed and then stopped, but by that point, several feet of it had accumulated. The clouds stayed right in on us until about 8 in the evening. We were enjoying an open air dinner when the mist fell away, the sun came out and everything got beautiful. The team stayed out well into the evening, staring at Kahiltna Dome, Mount Foraker and Denali's West Buttress. Our prospects for going up in the morning were improved as we watched several teams come down Motorcycle Hill, plowing a trail and cutting whatever tension the otherwise suspect snow-pack was under. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn and Team

On The Map

Comments (4)

Hey, Rob,

Aunt Carol & Uncle Richard got your postcard.  Their thoughts and prayers are with you and your team.  Stay Safe.  Love Aunt Carol and Uncle Richard.

Posted by: Mary Ahlbrand on

Go Team Hahn!  Safe travels and hoping your weather turns.  Mine certainly hasn’t.  Can’t fly anywhere north of here without serious thunder.  We are cheering every second that you get up that mountain.  Keep Living the Dream.

Posted by: Mike Gorum on

Will there be fireworks tomorrow night? Happy Fourth to Team Hahn!

Posted by: Charlie Thomas on

amazing to see that wall of snow while we here are in summer weather, good luck and safe travel for the team!

Posted by: dad and mom grengs on

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