Mt. McKinley: Jones & Team Ready to Move
Posted by: Tyler Jones, Lindsay Mann, Chase Nelson
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,200'
June 13, 2015 4:31pm PST
The final day of waiting and preparation... We hope! Today is a calm and sunny day at 14 camp, although the small plumes of snow still sail above us on the West Buttress ridge and upper mountain. With groups of climbers from around the world stacking up over the last week of poor weather, the headwall and fixed lines were crawling with dozens of folks on the move -- Making for one full boat on the route today. Our decision to stall and let the hoards move on and winds continue to die down will hopefully give us a smooth and ultimately safer move. We want to work smarter not harder and like a raven sailing on the afternoon thermals give our team the best and smoothest climb we at RMI can offer.
Thank you all for the comments, wish us luck and we hope to check in from high camp tomorrow! Cheers!
RMI Guide Tyler Jones & Team
Comments (2)
Ken, you guys are so close! Sounds like you have a. Dry smart guide and a great team. I know you are all about working smarter and not harder. We learn a lot together at work, i can’t wait to all of the life lessons and self discover you must be experiencing on this trip. Praying for clear ski so you and your team can work smart and make it to the top.
Posted by: Dennis Canevari on
D.G., Prayers for success and safety to all. Ted has his fingers crossed. Love you, Mom
Posted by: Caroline Clayton on