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Mt. Everest Expedition: RMI Climbing Team Safe at Camp One

This is Dave Hahn with RMI's Everest Expedition. This morning, early this morning we got up from Camp 1, five climbers Jeff Justman, Chhering Dorji and myself. We completed a good circuit, climbing up to 21,300 feet Advance Base Camp and back to Camp 1. We were here about 11:30, 11:15 this morning. And then shortly after that, at about noon, there was a major earthquake and resulted in avalanches off of all the mountains around us. Our camp was in a good place we got dusted but here at Camp 1 we were just fine. Our concern then shifted to Base Camp. We are hearing reports of some pretty destructive action down there, injuries and loss of life. Our entire team is ok. We have talked with our Sherpa team down below and with Mark Tucker [at Base Camp]. And so our team is okay. About the same time as the earthquake a pretty good snowstorm commenced up here in the Western Cwm and down at Base Camp. We're sitting things out safely at Camp One. But we don't have the ability to travel right now, good mountaineering sense dictates that we stay put and ride this storm out. This may take a little time to ride the storm out and that's what we'll do. It may take this a little time but we are okay. We are self sufficient up here and our concern is with our friends at Base Camp. We're hearing the strenuous efforts that our Sherpa team and Mark Tucker are going through down there trying to help with the injured and those who haven't fared so well. We'll try to be in touch. We obviously are in a situation where we won't have great communication. It's likely that the earthquake destroyed any cell service around the Base Camp area. We are calling you on a satellite telephone, we got some batteries and we will nurse those batteries to make them last. RMI Guide Dave Hahn

RMI Guide Dave Hahn calls from Camp One with update on the RMI team.

On The Map

Comments (67)

Our family has been praying for Mark and all of you since the news broke.  Mark, you guided us up Kili in 2012 and I have no doubt were one of the best to deal with the tragedy you faced.  Continued prayers for your safe return.  Dennis

Posted by: Dennis Mulherin on

JJ, glad to hear you are safe!  Worried when we heard the news.  We’re sad to hear about all the casualties, and our hearts are with everyone in Nepal!

Posted by: Leslie on

Good luck Dave to you and the rest of your team.

Posted by: Michael on

JJ and Dave,
We here at Alexander’s Inn are so glad to hear everyone is safe at Camp#1.. Sit tight guys, the whole world is watching and praying for everyone safe return. JJ we will have the Carpaccio and Melbec waiting . Take care all of you, see you when you get back I know you will..We love you Gaybob

Posted by: Gay Reijo on

It’s Stephanie Claytor, reporter for KOB. We are trying to interview you for the news about whats going on over there.  Can we Skype with you? How can we get in touch with you? PLease email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Posted by: Stephanie Claytor on

I can’t imagine the intensity of this tragedy. I feel extremely sorry for the injuried people in this complete chaos in Base camp and everywhere in this region, hospital overcrowded, thousands of people in misery, airport closed…. But the strong sense of helping each other in this condition is miraculous !And you seem somewhat in a better place, safe, upthere. I am guessing that a new route through the ice fall will need to be built. And when I hear Dave saying “good mountaineering sense dictates that we stay put and ride this storm out”, I know that you will make your way home, strong people, but it is going to be a long, long, long journey !

Posted by: Chrystel on

Thank you friend the communication.  So sorry to hear about of the injuries and loss of life.  Larry, thank you for updating us immediately.  As you sit tight at Camp 1 ... Please give each other a hug.  Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

So glad t hat the RMI teams are safe. Blessings and strength to all of you in the coming days. Dave nd Mark, you are two of the best there are in the business,  your climbers are in good hands. Prayers go out for your continued safety and rescue efforts. Bless the people of Nepal and surrounding area, such devastating loss.

Posted by: Jennifer Grogan on

Hoping you all continue to be safe - please know that many people are praying for your safe return.

Posted by: Pam Johnson on

Further to my last comment, Anthony (Tony) White has contacted us and is well. Our prayers are with the families of those still waiting to hear

Posted by: Liam Murray on

Glad you guys are all safe. We’re looking for news of our friend Anthony (Tony) White. He’d have been in or around basecamp at the time of the avalanche. If there’s anyway of posting a list of people you come across, we’d appreciate it. Stay safe. Liam

Posted by: Liam Murray on

JJ: heard the bad news and knew you were on everest- stay safe man (we did mexican volcanoes last oct)


Posted by: Pedro/ Merrie Vieco on

Glad to hear you and your team are doing well Dave. Sorry for the loss sustained thus far. Prayers to all during this difficult time and prayers for everyone’s safe return.
Rachael C Lujan, Abq Uptown r985

Posted by: Rachael C Lujan on

JJ so glad to hear you are ok. Make it home safe.  This is an old friend from Burbank. My prayers go out to all.

Posted by: Joann beaver on

Dave - glad to hear you and your team are well. Thoughts and prayers with all on the mountain. Robb Fickman,Houston

Posted by: Robb Fickman on

JJ and Dave
the brothers and I are so thankful you and the team are safe. We got the news earlier today and have been keeping you and those at base camp in our thoughts and prayers.
-Jeff, Scott, Laura, and Craig Gallimore

Posted by: Laura Gallimore on

Dear Larry, we read that you are OK. we were worried when we heard the news. We imagine that things are extremely difficult right now. We hope you and and all the members of the team make it home safe.
Azalea and Oscar

Posted by: Azalea and Oscar Aguilar on

Larry Seaton was able to contact family immediately after the earthquake to confirm his safety. We have heard no further, but assume things are likely chaotic. Our families thoughts and prayers with all in the region.

Posted by: Alysia Isakson on

Praying for my high school friend, Dave Hahn’s, safety.

Posted by: Sue Hladik on

MARK hope to hear from you soon. We wish the best for everyone at their base camps, camp 1&2and; the Ice DRs.
Mom & Dad Tucker

Posted by: Peggy Tucker on

In such a tragedy, I can’t imagine any better person to be with than Dave Hahn.  Incredibly composed phone report. Prayers continue from the mainland.

Posted by: James Schermerhorn on

So thankful to hear the team is safe.  Our prayers go out to all involved.  Stay safe Mark Tucker and friends!!  Love, Pam & Neil Kruse

Posted by: Pam Kruse on

Praying for Mark and the team at Base Camp…and all the others on the mountain.

Posted by: Susan on

Debbie Worden’s 25 April comment suggests she’s heard from RMI about Larry Seaton.  Is that the case?  Is he ok?  Any updates would be appreciated.  Thanks for all you are doing to rescue the team and keep family & friends informed!

Howard Norman

Posted by: Howard Norman on

Prayers of Parwani and Mukherjee families in Delhi are with you and your team, Dave. We are sure with your vast experience you will bring them safe. Please be very careful. God be with you all. We will keep praying.

Posted by: Bibhash Mukherjee on

Glad to hear team members at Camp 1 and base camp are safe. Praying for all of you. Love to Larry Seaton. Thank you to RMI staff for phone call too.

Posted by: Debbie Worden on

Such brave people! May you all be safe and home soon!

Posted by: Giulia on

So thankful for your update.  We’ve been anxious since news of the quake and avalanche was reported.  Prayers going out for the families of those lost, for the injured, and for your team’s continued safety!

Posted by: Robin Barham, Bend OR on

We have been thinking of you since we heard the news. Our thoughts are with you.

Posted by: Lorraine and Larry Pommen (Fathom expedtion Antarc on

Dave, glad you and your team are safe. Get home safely and see you back in Taos soon.

Posted by: Jeff 'Fog' Smith on

Hello Dave, I am glad you and your team our safe!  My thoughts and prayers are with you, I know you will make the best decisions for everyone to make sure your team is safe.  Best Wishes!  Rob

Posted by: Rob Millman on

glad you are all safe. Thoughts are with you and everyone else affected.

Posted by: Jacob on

Thanks for the update! So excited to hear y’all are safe!! My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone and for your continued safe passage. Condolences to other teams who lost climbers. Stay safe!!

Posted by: Missy on

Stay safe all!

Posted by: Ryan Fitzgerald on

Just now seeing on Twitter that Alex Barber is safe on Annapurna. Stay safe guys.

Posted by: Kirk on

Tucker, Be safe up there, you owe me golf


Posted by: Mike Krein on

To Mark Tucker & the rest of the RMI team-
    So glad to hear everyone is OK! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Clint & Jan (Kilimanjaro 2012)

Posted by: Clint & Jan Ancker on

Sending you love and prayers. Please be safe and send update when you can. Thanks to the RMI team for taking care of our loved ones and helping others!

Posted by: FX on

Relieved to hear your team is safe.  Thoughts and heart go out to all on the mountain and their loved ones at home.  Godspee Dave.

Posted by: Jason Wiles on

Also if you need/can provide information on any other friends in the climbing community that are in Nepal , Google has a site to help http://google.org/personfinder/2015-nepal-earthquake.

Posted by: Girish Premchandran on

I’m relieved everyone is safe but sorry to hear about injuries and casualties elsewhere.  Bon courage.

Posted by: Lisa on

Thanks Dave.  So thankful the RMI team is safe.  Thoughts are with Mark and the team at base camp.  Thinking of everyone and hoping for your safe return.

Posted by: Karla Tucker on

Stay safe. Our prayers are with you.  Thank you for the update.

Posted by: Ted Durham on

Really glad to hear the RMI team is safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected.

Posted by: Girish Premchandran on

Thoughts and prayers to all of those affected. The team is in good hands. Be safe and be well.

Posted by: STEPHANI on

amazing… I’m following… please keep the reports coming…

Posted by: ryan junell on

RMI and the Everest team are fortunate to be under the leadership of Dave Hahn.  Dave is the King of Safety!  He leads the world climbing community in that regard and if anyone can help the RMI team to remain in good care, it’s Dave.  Best wishes for safety and good health for everyone on Mount Everest and in Nepal.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Posted by: Eric Y. on

Thinking about you guys and everyone else over there.  Glad to hear you are okay.  Be safe.

Posted by: McBrien Dunbar on

Thank you for the update Dave. We were all waiting anxiously to hear that you, JJ and the rest of the team are safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all at Base Camp and throughout the parts of Nepal hit by this earthquake. Stay safe.

Posted by: Liz Pace Hughes on

Be safe all.  Sending prayers.

Posted by: holly seaton on

Nicole Pls contact us,  Luv u

Posted by: Richard Mower on

Thank you all team and the Sherpas are safe. Rough morning for us . Please update us as and when u can. God Bless u all.

Posted by: Nomita Parwani on

Jeff Justman > Mother Nature!  Jeff, your fellow AE Patriots are sending you and your compatriots nothing but the very best wishes, brother.  Hang in there, RMI team!!


Posted by: Mike McGill on

So glad to hear that you and your team are safe. Will keep praying for all others.

Posted by: Bob Sullivan on

Dave, can’t thank you enough for being in touch. The radio silence this morning was really tough, but I can’t even imagine the stress and uncertainty you all are feeling as well as empathy for those in base camp .  My prayers are with you and your team and my brother Peter, and hope you make it safely home.

Posted by: Diana Olney on

Glad you are all okay! Safe travels

Posted by: Susan on

Thanks for the update, Dave. Glad to hear all of you are safe.  Thoughts are with all of you, the folks at Base Camp, and the people of Nepal and the surrounding area.

Posted by: Chris Colleran on

Glad to hear the team is safe! Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at base camp. Nothing can prepare you for what happened, but you gents are the best of the best and hopefully will persevere thought this.

Posted by: Michael McHugh on

Please be safe.  I would trust my life with Dave (and have) so I know the group is the absolute best of hands.  BE SAFE!!

Posted by: Bill McGahan on

Hey, guys, heard what happened, praying for you all and the people in town; Larry, keep your head up and keep moving—-be safe, all.

Posted by: Ben Alvarez on

Glad to hear you are all ok, hang in there and be safe. Had your team member Larry Seaton left base camp? Concerned about him and all others.

Posted by: Flynn on

Good to hear your team is safe. First thing I did after reading about the earthquake and avalanche is check the blog. Glad you were able to communicate your safety.

Posted by: Doris Diel on

Was anxious after hearing the news this morning, Dave.  Glad to get this communication and know that you are all safe up there.  I know it must be difficult riding out a storm when you know the difficulty of the emergency below you at Base Camp.  I hope you are able to get down soon and offer your help—I am sure your presence down there would only boost the morale in this difficult time.  Take care . . . you and the entire team.

Posted by: Josephine Johnson on

I’m happy to hear the team is safe. Prayers and thoughts to all of you, especially those at Base Camp.

Posted by: Speros Venios on

Glad to hear from Dave that all in the RMI team came through the earthquake in good shape. Our thoughts and prayers are with the others in EBC and the higher camps and with all the people of the Khumbu and Nepal in general.

Posted by: Jeffrey Robbins on

Thinking of you all and sending prayers, blessings and my very best vibes to all.

Posted by: Kelly on

Thank you for the update - really glad to hear everyone on the RMI team is safe. Prayers to everyone at Base Camp. Stay safe at Camp 1 and keep us posted when you are able. Thank you. Thoughts to you all! xx

Posted by: Laura Massie on

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