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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Get Set for Glacier Travel

The team spent Thanksgiving Day at 7,000 ft above sea level on the Branscomb Glacier. "VBC" at the foot of Mount Vinson. Most took it on faith that Vinson was towering over us, since we couldn't see it, or much of anything today. We were clagged in with cloud and light snow throughout the day. All were thankful to have come so far yesterday, via buses, two exotic airplanes, and a big wheeled van at Union Glacier. The team would have been even more grateful if JJ Justman had been able to fly into VBC with us. He was scheduled for the next flight, due to lack of space on our ski-equipped Twin Otter, but that next flight didn't go when the weather deteriorated. We muddled on without him today, reviewing some safety procedures with climbing harnesses and Avalanche beacons, and generally getting set for glacier travel. It was quite cold for most of the day, with many of the team choosing to wear the big puffy down garments brought more specifically for the summit. We enjoyed a visit and briefing given by David Hamilton, ALE's basecamp manager. In late afternoon, our gang took a little time to rest and to consider how all the football games back home might be going. We then assembled on the snow benches of our dining tent for a five course meal. Happy Thanksgiving to all those back home sitting on real furniture. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (3)

Dave, JJ -

Hi Guys!  Wish I was down there on the ice with you.  Say hello to the ALE folks for me.  Have a safe climb.

-Larry Seaton

Posted by: Larry Seaton on

Wishing Greg Barber and the RMI team a Happy Thanksgiving. It’s going to be cold here in Vancouver Greg, going down to -2C. Brrrrr…. Stay warm and safe buddy!

Posted by: Kim Morgan on

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Certainly one you’ll never forget.  And we were thinkiing it was cold in Connecticut.  Please know all the Macfarlanes are thinking of y’all.  Good luck and stay safe!!  xoox


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