Mexico Volcanoes: Blais & Team Summit Ixta!

Our team woke to less than ideal conditions at our high camp on Ixta this morning. Dense clouds, wind and light precipitation looked like it might thwart our summit bid. We waited as long as we could with the time we had for the summit, then it was decision time. The precipitation had stopped but wind and thick clouds remained.
The guide team made the call to begin the climb and see how the weather would pan out. The wind and cloud remained, but our team tougher it out and the weather didn't get worse .
After a hard fought summit, our team is on our way to a well deserved rest day in Puebla.
RMI Guides Zeb Blais, Robby Young and team
Comments (1)
Looks cold and snowy! But glad you guys made it to the top and back down safely! Good luck on Orizaba.
Posted by: Danika on