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Mt. McKinley: Okita and Team Busy in Talkeetna

May 21, 2014 - 7:12 pm PT The day before flying on to the mountain is always an incredibly full day. At breakfast we discuss our expedition goals, strategy, schedule and everything else under the sun. This is followed up by our orientation with Denali National Park. And then on to the hangar of our air service where we spend half the day making certain we have everything we need to survive the weeks on the mountain. The other half of the day is spent putting this incredible amount of gear and food in some semblance of order so that when we actually fly on to the glacier we can pick up and go. It's been a long day, but one well spent. Tomorrow we're all set for the flight on to the mountain. But tonight, a final dinner where we can relax with a burger and a beer. A well deserved treat after such a busy day, and one we'll be dreaming of in the not to distant future. RMI Guides Brent, Leah, and Nick

Comments (4)

Great pics of the team! We are so proud of you Daniel and we follow you and your team every step of the way - to the top!!! Go, go, go….We love you! Mom & Rob

Posted by: Lena Akerman on

Way to go Steve Hart!!  Good luck to you and the team - Speedy and safe climb!
A warm rehab room and a cold beer awaits your return!!

Brett and team

Posted by: Team Fairway on

Brent - We are all so excited to follow your expedition.  Kids said they would tell all their friends in school today!  Best of luck to your group.  We love you!

Posted by: Carin Parella on

Hey Brady,
I am thinking of you every day and sending good wishes to your whole group.  It is soooo inspirational. You are a wonderful role model.
Barbara Guido

Posted by: Barbara Guido on

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