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DHAULAGIRI: Team Has Established Camp 2

Hello, This is the Dhaulagiri Climbing Team and once again we wanted to apologize for the lack for the lack of communication, but as we said before we have been having a few problems with the satellite “sat” phone. But, right now we can send a dispatch. We have been discovering the worst weather that we have ever witnessed. This Himalayan peak is pretty much keeping us working really, really hard. We are getting snow storms every day. The only time we have not had afternoon storms have been when we have all day storms! But, that hasn’t kept us from climbing. The last two days we have been working very hard being the only team on the mountain breaking trail to establish Camp 2. In the next few days we are going to be looking at the route between Camp 2 and Camp 3 which is one of the hardest parts of the climb. If that is a go we’ll have a summit bid. Like I said, we have been receiving anywhere from a foot to two feet of snow every other afternoon and it has made our job hard. A couple of other teams have arrived, but they are not as ambitious to work up high yet. We are not going to quit until our plane leaves. We have a little bit less than 10 days here to make it happen. We have a really good weather forecast and will keep our fingers crossed that we are going to have a shot at it. So if the sat phone keeps working for us we will keep you posted as much as we can. So please keep your fingers crossed for us. This is Dhaulagiri and we hope you all take care. We hope to communicate good news soon! RMI Guide Elias deAndres Martos

Dhaulagiri Team checking in April 28th.

Comments (6)

Crested Butte is keeping fingers crossed! Be Safe!

Posted by: Jessica on

Jake must be enjoying the powder skiing.

Posted by: Pete Sowar on

Elías, Your brother and your future nephew send to all of you power!!!!!

Posted by: jorge on

Apreciado Elias. Cruzo los dedos por vosotros, desde luego. Juanjo Garra tomó mi tema con mucha ilusión y cariño, pero ya sabrás que no consiguió llegar. Que no sea este vuestro caso!. Ánimo y gracias por todo. Juan.

Posted by: Joan Dalmases on

Prayers for good weather and your safety.

Posted by: Donna Whitaker on

THANK YOU FOR WORD OF YOUR SAFE EXISTENCE.  The weather (over which we have no control) is really providing mounting challenges - hoping for some clear days after all your hard work.  Keep us posted.

Posted by: nsb on

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