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Kilimanjaro: Martin & Team Reach Shira Plateau

Hello from Shira Camp, It rained a little last night, but when we woke up this morning, the sun was trying to shine through the cloud cover. While the sun never completely came out, we had a dry day with perfect temperatures. The weather even cooperated so that we could have a nice lunch stop along the way to our camp. We got out of camp early today in hopes of getting a little head start and be in front of the other climbers and porters. But we weren't the only group trying this strategy, and we ended up having a fair amount of trail traffic getting up the first climb out of camp. It's a narrow trail, so we just took our time and enjoyed the views around us. On the section after lunch, we got to see quite a few flowers starting to bloom, thanks to the recent rains. Usually this is a pretty dry portion of the trail as we traverse west towards the Shira Plateau, but today there were numerous little streams which were all flowing with water. The mountain above us is still covered in the dusting of snow from a few days ago. It is really beautiful and is giving us lots of great pictures.Today was a short day of hiking and we made it to camp with plenty of time to enjoy the Shira Plateau. Of course we had popcorn and other snacks waiting for us when we arrived. And we spent a big chunk of the afternoon snacking, drinking tea, and sharing some stories. A perfect reward for the 2500' we climbed today. Tomorrow, we are going to set a bunch of new altitude records when we go to 14,900', at the base of Lava Tower. Stay tuned for our next dispatch from Barranco Camp. Best regards, RMI Guide Jeff Martin and Team

On The Map

Comments (2)

Holly and Chris,
Just wondering if some of the stories included the torture you endured under my watch…  kidding.  Enjoy the continued beauty of your climb, I am jealous!
Adam W

Posted by: Adam on

Hey Chris….we have an open shift this week - wanna fill it???  NO, I didn’t think so!!  Oh well, guess you’re stuck there having to enjoy the beauty, the challenge, and the awesome wife you have by your side!!  Can’t wait to hear all the stories and see the pics!!

Posted by: Candy on

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