Aconcagua: Justman and Team arrive back at High Camp
Hey everyone this is JJ Justman with Team Two on Aconcagua. I believe you all heard through my last dispatch that we were on the summit of Aconcagua. I just want to report that everyone is safe and sound. We are here at high camp. Our work is not yet, at least not for the guides. We are busy getting water and snow melting to get everyone rehydrated and refueled. We had a long day, probably had to say that it was one of my toughest climbs in regards to the weather. It was cold and windy and just took a lot out of us. The team did an absolutely fantastic job! I’m really proud of everyone they did a great job climbing and we are really happy to be back at camp.
We are going to be heading back to Base Camp tomorrow. That’s a big day of carrying heavy loads. We do have some porters coming up to help out, which is good. We will touch base tomorrow when we get back into Base Camp. We will get into some of those nice luxuries that we have been missing for the past week or so. Thanks for following along everyone, we will touch base tomorrow.
Bye Bye!
JJ Justman calling in from High Camp
Comments (4)
Congrats Kim and team!!! So excited for you. What an amazing way to close out 2013!
In awe,
fran, dan and sophie
Posted by: fran on
Congrats JJ on another summit - I had a great time down there last year!!!!!!
Posted by: Jeff Hall on
Congrats team!!! What an awesome accomplishment today!!!!
Hope you enjoyed your evening at high camp, and are ready for the trek down the base camp. Wishing you safe travels and warmer weather.
Josh - you did it!!! Can’t wait to see you and celebrate. We sure have missed you and will definitely miss you not being here tonight. We are heading to Oxford for Marlene’s party this afternoon. I know she is going to be asking about her Josh and where he is!!!
Enjoy your trek down today, and can’t wait to hear you are back at Base Vsmp.
Love you - Jess
Posted by: Jessica on
Congratulations David, Leah and the whole team. Pretty awesome!!!!
Posted by: stacey on