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Mt. McKinley: Team Jones enjoying camp life at 11,200’

Monday, June 3, 2013 Today was a day of light work and much chilling. We were able to sleep in later than any other day so far, which is always a nice treat in the mountains. We did get some fresh snow overnight, so we spent the first few minutes of the day clearing off tents and backpacks. But by 9:30 we were all feasting on righteous breakfast quesadillas filled with fluffy eggs, crispy bacon, melted cheese and topped with hot sauce, which fueled the crew for our back-carry. We headed back down to our cache and retrieved all our gear, and began the grind back to camp. While the oblong sleds dragged a little in the new snow, we were still able to complete the trip quickly, and before 1 o'clock we were back in camp. Now we are enjoying all the delicious lunch food we had cached, gorging on tasty morsels. The team is currently resting and getting ready for a hard day of work tomorrow. We're planning to carry a load up to 14K' camp, and the stretch of mountain between here and there will be the most difficult terrain so far. While it may seem like mountain climbers have some strange fetish for being cold, smelly and sore, there is no substitute for the reward you feel at the end of hard day of climbing. We'll check back in tomorrow with an update, so until then keep sending positive energy and wishes for high pressure! RMI Guides Tyler, Garrett, and the Crew

On The Map

Comments (4)

James and the team,
Greeting…glad to see everyone is making safe and steady climbing, having fresh snow overnight, and eating well. Stay strong and enjoy majestic views on the mountain covered with snow. Praying for safe journey. Can’t wait to see awesome pictures!

Posted by: Soonja Choo on

To James Choo -

Just learned that Walter Glover will be doing the Mt. Rainier 5-day Summit Climb, June 13-17.

-Larry Seaton

Posted by: Larry Seaton on

Robin and Team
Congratulations on a great ascent so far. Glad you all are eating and resting well and good luck on your next leg. I have full confidence that you will all have a good day tomorrow though I’m sure a tough one. Continuing to pray for good weather and safety for your climb. Looking forward to hearing from you @ 14K!


Posted by: Matt Prosser on

Great job guys!! Keep up the good work and enjoy the journey!

Posted by: Paul Kinneberg on

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