Mt. McKinley: Nugent & Team Bring Cache From 13,600’
First and foremost, the biggest event of the day was Pete's birthday--14K on a sunny day is not a bad place for a party.
Today was a bit a work and a bit of play, or rest anyway. We started by moving the 13,600' cache. We moved the cache and carried the cache to 14K. Resting at the cache spot before our carry, we could hear the water flowing underground, deep under the glacier. The trip back to camp was smooth and everyone arrived back far from flippy-floppy. We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in the peaceful oasis of our surroundings. Though we all could certainly get used to that lifestyle, we're also eager to make the most of this weather and the team's strength, so we're heading off to bed soon to get ready for tomorrow's carry up the fixed lines.
RMI Guide Kel Rossiter
On The Map
Comments (3)
Understand you are going to the top Monday Yahoo have a good day. Almost there.
Sending lots of luck to all of you.
Posted by: Judy Blaisdell on
Hey Bob,
Can’t wait to see those pics. Enjoy every minute and be careful. Love Ya
Posted by: Judy Blaisdell on
Yikes! Hold on tight to those lines!
Posted by: Shelley on