Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Going for the Summit
Hey everybody, this is Billy checking in for Mike King and Garrett Stevens and the rest of our crew. We are at high camp on Aconcagua at about 19,600 feet and we made our move up today. And we're gonna be hopefully taking a crack at the top tomorrow. Because it is the only weather window that we have. There is a wind event that is coming on that is supposed to blow 75 miles an hour at the summit for the next 5 or so days out in the extended forecast. So our chance is now. We're hoping things are going to lighten up for us right now. Kind of a little bit crappy here at [Camp] Cholera. Fair bit of blowing snow and about 20 mile an hour winds maybe gusts of 30 to 35. But yeah, keep your fingers crossed, and we'll give you guys a call in a little bit and let you know how it all went down. Ciao.
RMI Guide Billy Nugent
RMI Guide Billy Nugent checks in from High Camp.
On The Map
Comments (4)
Congrats you made it again , we are so proud, ! We look forward to hearing all about it That was a fast climb for you time flys when you are having fun. love Ypu Brian & Jeannie!!!!!
Posted by: Brian and Jeannie Young on
Technique and ability alone do not get you to the top, it is willpower that is the most important. This willpower you can not buy with money or be given by others… rises from your heart.
All of you are awesome, it has been so exciting following your progress.
Moses last words to Joshua were “to be bold & courageous”. All of have have been both.
Posted by: Beth Behrle on
Cheering you on from New Hampshire!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cathy & Ally Young
Posted by: Cathy Young on
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Rooting for you all! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love from Texas,
Sarah and Jacob Hammond
Posted by: Sarah Hammond on