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Aconcagua Expedition: Nugent and Team Readying in Mendoza

A hearty hello to everyone out there following along as RMI's February 1st Aconcagua Expedition gets started. Most of the team trickled in to Mendoza yesterday afternoon and hit the ground running despite being weary from long stretches of airline travel. We held a team meeting followed by a fantastic dinner at one of the local restaurants. I can assure you that large quantities of beef and wine were consumed as we made our last efforts to pack on a couple pounds before heading onto the mountain. The guides packed group gear late into the night and after a brief nap we rose early to finish up our permitting process and run a few last minute errands. We're headed for Penitentes this afternoon where we'll finalize our packing and help ready the mule loads before spending one last night in a bed for a long time. Busy busy! More to share as our program continues... Stay with us! RMI Guides Billy Nugent, Garrett Stevens and the rest of the gang.

Comments (13)

Hope all is going well! Eat MEAT…lots of MEAT! And we are all ready to read about the next leg of your journey to the top of S.A.!!

Posted by: Paula S on

Big hello’s from Texas.  Can’t wait to hear all about it.

Posted by: Hammond's of the North on

My bible study group is praying for an exciting and safe journey.

Posted by: Kathy Hammond on

Aloha Gail,
Tigersharks on a mountain who would have thought.
Have fun be safe. You make Kihei Charter School proud.

Posted by: Gene on

To get to the most remote places, it takes strength, skill & stamina. What do you do when you get there?  You take pride in the accomplishment, you smile, you savor it, enjoy life and look forward to the darkness of night and revel in the break of day.  I will be spinning my prayer wheels for all of you and will follow your journey through these postings.  -  Beth Behrle

Posted by: Beth Behrle on

Wishing the entire group a safe and wonderful adventure. Port Charlotte Florida can’t wait to hear about the trip! (from our warm homes)

Craig and Grace

Posted by: Craig De Young on

Prayers and good wishes for a safe trek! Love from
New Hampshire
Cathy and Ally Young

Posted by: Cathy Young on

Have fun stay safe.  Take some great pictures. Everybody says Hi!!

Posted by: Young's Resturant on


take care and godspeed. it looks like a big mountain

your brother Brian

Posted by: brian young on

“It looks like just a big hill!”
    - Courtney Hanson

Posted by: Erik Youngdahl on

Enjoy this very special journey!! Prayers and love from Connecticut!

Posted by: Eric and Grace on

What an amazing adventure for you all! Prayers and good thoughts for a terrific trek!  Love from TEXAS!
Sarah and Jacob Hammond

Posted by: Sarah Hammond on

Watching your advance. Kick a—Kenny show what we have back east

Posted by: Jim dunn on

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