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Mt. McKinley:  Knoff and Team Resting at 14,000’

Mt. McKinley has the gnarly reputation for being one of the hardest mountains in the world to reach the summit of. In circles of armchair mountaineers, horror stories bounce around like cheap cigars. What most people don't realize is how much down time comes with living the dream of climbing north America's highest peak. Yesterday we put in our first "average work day" with an eight hour round trip climb to Washburn's thumb at 16,500 feet. We cached food, fuel and clothing needed for our time on the upper mountain. This was our teams most difficult challenge to date which everyone handled like cagey veterans. Back to the down time. Of course the terrain on this mountain demands one's full concentration, but so does our time of rest. It is unnatural for all of us to try and sleep twelve hours a day with no darkness. The rigors of rest should not be underestimated. Today we woke from thirteen hours of hibernation and had a two hour breakfast demanding great effort to pull away from. Now we are preparing for a stroll to the edge of the world and then home for more sleep. Today is beautiful here at 14,000 feet, much more pleasant than our ten below nights. All is well and we look forward to climbing higher.. RMI Guide Adam Knoff

On The Map

Comments (18)

everybody eat a lot
DG Chris and Michael U eat a lot
John, Tim and Mike R you eat a lot.
Nelson, Adam and Blais eat a lot
Be ready.

Posted by: shamu on

Nelson - So wonderful to hear your voice from nearly the top of North America! I will be thinking about you tomorrow as your group contemplates a summit bid. I know that it is a trade off between rest and good weather. Pulling for you from home.
Love, Mom

Posted by: Jennifer on

Nelson, thanks for the post.  We are so happy about the progress of the team. You may be cold, but dc is equally HOT!  100 degrees, no power for ac.  Your mom and I are so happy you are having a great climb.  Go summit, hope the weather cooperates.  Love you. Dad.

Posted by: Bill on

Following your progress with attetion! Stay safe, have a great time, keep up the good work!

Posted by: ML on

Chris - We may not have written before, but we are all ardently following this blog!  Wishing you strength,  endurance and blue skies to make your way most enjoyable.  If you’re still cold when you get back, I’ll give you my space heater!

Posted by: Cindy on

John - Great to see you and crew are doing well and you have an incredible view to say the least. Adi loves the Alaska 123 book you sent especially the polar bears page and has taken her first steps! Loving the franken-walking she does with a huge smile! Erin says hello and wishes you and the group a fun and safe journey. Have fun out there.


Posted by: Brian on

So wonderful to hear from you before we left.  Thank you.  Spent yesterday fortifying Tammi’s yard to hinder a Boudreux escape.  Please be extra careful now, we love you skinny boy.

Posted by: Kathy Uchal on

Adam, engaging updates….thank you for your efforts in keeping all of us in the lower 48 current on your expedition. So good to know you are safe and making headway. J- thinking of you…looking forward to Holy Cross ( cakewalk for you!).... Know you are loved more every day..d

Posted by: Deann on

Just beautiful. Good to hear that you are resting or atleast trying. Stay strong, we are all down here pushing you up. Good luck today and be carefull. Love you Donna

Posted by: Donna Auger on

Thanks for the updates!  These posts have become a highlight of my day.  Looks like you guys are in for some heavy snow and cold temps.  Duh.  It’s McKinley! Stay safe.

Posted by: Stephanie on

Gnarly, is that how you spell G’narly??
I guess Adam K’noff would know best.
May be can help me out with these Captcha words. Today I got “dos ishipGr”. What does that mean???

Posted by: shamu on

Hi Mike,  Sure sounds like your climb is tough but beautiful. We all look forward to the news from way up there ever day.  Can’t wait to see your pictures and hear all your stories.  Have fun and keep on trucking!  Love ya, Mom

e all look forward to the news from way up there.  Can’t wait to talk with you and see your pictures.

Posted by: Mom on

Hi Michael,  So glad to hear that everything is going well.  The scenery is breathtaking in pictures, can’t imagine what it is like in person.  We think and talk about you every day.  Stay stong and safe.  As Landan would say, Miss you, Love you

Posted by: Dad & Lynne on

Howdy from the Mac Clan in Wenatchee.  Everyone is asking me almost every day how your climb is going and if I have any new news.  Adam, thank you for your detailed blogs.  It keeps us happy and mentally healthy here at home.  We are sending only good and positive thoughts to all of you mountain men.  Tim, harvest starts in the morning at 5.  Lots of pickers coming and Kayla has joined the swamping team as per Papa’s request.  I think everyone involved is having 20/20 hindsight, realizing how much you do on a daily basis that keeps things moving smoothly.  It’s all getting worked out with very few problems or concerns.  I wish I could send you guys some of these gorgeous black bing cherries fresh off the tree.  If you have never eaten a fresh cherry picked on a cool morning.  It crunches in your mouth!  It is very difficult not to eat too many.  YUMMY!

Honey, I love you and think of you as much as I dare, knowing it is still a long time until you get home.  You would be proud of me.  I am getting a lot done and I am working hard.  I love our new bed!  It’s all ready for you when you get home.  I have been pondering about how lucky I am to be married to you.  You are so kind and work so hard for us.  I’m glad we are in a position that finds you able to live out some of your dreams.  Good karma continues to bless us as we continue to do good for others as well as our family.  It is a real energy. I feel it.

I send all the good karma I receive to you, Babydoll!
Always and Forever,

your Deb

Posted by: Deb McLaughlin on

Adam!  Eloquent posts!  U need to write a blog book!!!  I’ll pick up the first copy!
Mike and all, wah hoo!  Strong work guys! -s

Posted by: Suzy-q on

Honey Badger Donit care, He just keeps eating

Posted by: shamu on

Eat Lots - Like a Honey Badger

Posted by: YETI on

Good to see a report on you and the team.  Looks like you’re doing fine. Looks like you have been very busy setting up for higher ground.  Stay safe.
Love you

Posted by: Caroline on

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