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Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Ready for Expedition

What a day! A team meeting over breakfast followed by our park service orientation was just the beginning. The real work started at the hanger of our flight service, K2 Aviation. It was here that the tedium of going thru our gear, both personal and group stuff will pay off hugely when we get to the mountain and are stuck with the equipment we've chosen. REI has yet to set up shop on the Kahiltna Glacier. As we wind down the day a great meal sits in our bellies and we look forward to a final night luxuriating in a real bed where a hot shower and toilet lie but a few carpeted paces away. Tomorrow will be different! With luck we'll be flying onto the glacier at 9:00am to start our trip... One that we have all been working so hard and dreaming about for so long. And we start it as a group of individuals already well on our way to being a team of climbers and, more importantly, friends. I know that we're all excited to get under way. I know too that I'm excited to climb with this very impressive group. Well, all for now from the cozy little town of Talkeetna. RMI Guide Brent Okita

On The Map

Comments (4)

Doug and Audrey - we’re thinking of you every step of the way.  Hope you’re enjoying it and seeing remarkable views.  Love, Mom and Pops

P.S. Twins are losing to Detroit

Posted by: Matt and Sue on

Please tell Phil Usher: uphill and into the wind! Heather

Posted by: Heather Grahame on

Gary,  Kayaking and Battleship for us.  Hoping you are having a great climb.  We love you.  Ang

Posted by: Angela Rennie on

Muy buena SUERTE Aaron and all, my best wishes, Paco


Posted by: Paco Santoyo on

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