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Kilimanjaro: Team Ascends the Barranco Wall

Hello from Karanga Camp, The team is doing great and we are happily nestled in at Karanga Camp. The weather has been having a hard time making up it's mind the last few days, and today was no different. The mornings start out clear, but by mid-afternoon, the clouds roll in and stay around until dinner, and then it clears out again. Fortunately, there has not been much rain and the trail conditions have been great. This morning when we got up, every trekker in camp was looking up at the Barranco Wall. It would be hard to miss this almost 1,000' wall rising up towards the sky, but it is when you see the first few porters working their way up the trail is when you really take notice. You can hear the nearby groups talking about the Wall followed by "we have to climb up that". The vantage point from camp makes the trail appear to be near vertical, but once you start the climb, it is very straightforward trail. In fact, most find it a lot fun and our group cruised right up it. With most of the elevation gain for the day done while climbing the Barranco Wall, it was easy hiking the rest of the way to camp. We had a spaghetti lunch waiting for us when we arrived and then spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Now it's time for popcorn and tea. We are all excited to be moving up to our high camp tomorrow and will check in from there. RMI Guide Jeff Martin & Team Simba Sita

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Comments (2)

David and Heidi, 
We are following your trek each day. Congratulations
on your progress this far.

Best wishes,


Posted by: Craig Berkman on

I think I can, I think I can,  Your almost there.  Awesome pictures!

Posted by: Bradley Hegman on

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