Mt. McKinley: Update from Mike Walter & Team
Well, the weather through us another curve ball. We were all set to move to high camp this morning, but we had 50 mph wind last night, along with snow. I was up at 5:30 this morning, checking the weather, and it was still blowing ~50mph up on the ridge. We were all up early, and had breakfast, in preparation to break camp. But the winds have been persistently high all day; and we're still waiting to move up. The good news is that the latest weather update has light winds forecast for this coming week. We're optimistic and hope to move to high camp tomorrow.
RMI Guide Mike Walter
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Mt. Rainier: May 22nd - Summit Climbs on Top
May 22, 2011
Comments (6)
You must be so happy the weather is cooperating, you guys deserve your chance to summit. Be careful and remember to leave enough for the way down! We want you home safe and sound. Your family eagerly awaits you….Megan
Posted by: Megan on
Woo hoo! The summit is near! Way to go guys!
Posted by: melinda on
Your team has great timing, looks like the weather will cooperate. Climb strong and have a safe return. Looking forward to climbing some of these little mountains down here with you this summer.
Posted by: Jeff McCrary on
Patience is a virtue - sounds like with weather clearing up top you’re about to get your chance to head up - fantastic! After all this waiting, don’t get too excited on the way up and forget safety please (says the guy who’s never climbed much more than over the couch). Slow and steady summits the mountain! Can’t wait to read about it!
Posted by: Kyle McHugh on
I can only imagine all this waiting has only made you a stronger team and more prepared to climb. Best of luck to all of you in the coming days. Jeff, I can’t wait to hear from you - miss you so much! Stay strong.
xoxo - Erica
Posted by: Erica on
We’re all thinkin’ good thoughts for the whole team!!!Keep a stiff upper lip :)
Posted by: David Hampton on