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Mt. Everest Expedition: Descent Begins

Downhill from here! The team's descent began five minutes ago. The group had the summit to themselves for a while at the end. We tried to do a phone call to the blog, but tough conditions as you can imagine. Just to make sure you guys hear some of the thoughts that were mentioned by Dave and Linden from the summit: - Bill and Sara hope to see you on top, another time ,and thought of you two the whole climb up today. - RMI Guide Melissa Arnot and Dave Morton over on top of Makalu today (we hope), looking forward to seeing you here on Everest in a few days. - Thanks and couldn't have done it without our local staff: Lam Babu, Tsering, Dawa, Kaji, Yubarji, Kumar, Raju, Gurung, Jeta, Gelzen, our guys in Kathmandu, Kili Sherpa, and Sagar - Rainier Mountaineering, Inc. back in Ashford, Washington. You let us run a top notch program. - First Ascent - the gear to get you there - All the friends and family back home - Linden: Wishing his Mom "Happy birthday", and spoiled old me getting my wishes from the top, for I think about the fifth time, since it being my birthday today as well. - All the other teams on the hill for such a great season and fabulous cooperation. - All you for following our blog. - And Mount Everest, for being so kind to our team. The team should be back to the South Col in a few hours. Weather still perfect, all systems in the green, guys are still having a great time. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

Comments (7)

Congratulations!  And Happy Birthday (although I am a day late)!  I was glad to read your thoughts about seeing Sara and Bill at the top, another time, but Bill did ask his family and friends to talk him out of it next time!  I did notice that Sara did not make that same request!  I believe they were both with you in spirit.  Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us.  Well done.
Maggie, friend of Sara’s Mom

Posted by: Maggie Tully on

Congratulations on behalf of the millions who are with you all the way but never could do it themselves!!
So uplifting for all of us! Thank you, thank you.

Posted by: Wolf Schmidt on

congrats congrats and happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!! i have been a devoted follower and have enjoyed this journey so much!  even tho sara and bill are not there physically, i know they are there in spirit, the same as the rest of us!  it is a WIN WIN situation!  big hugs, lynn

Posted by: Lynn Crow on

Way to go!!!!!!! Yahoo! Congratulations! What number was this “bag” Dave? I’ve lost track!! See you in Antarctica in ‘12 - in the meantime, party on. Time to celebrate!

Posted by: Lizabee Schaefer on

Linden and Dave,

Congratulations!  Your guys inspire us here at sea level.  Be safe on the way down!

Just think what the trek down the valley is going to feel like.  Awesome!


Posted by: Dave Kolar on

I am sure Bill and Sara share the team win.
Best Wishes,

Posted by: Marie McGahan on

Congratulations to all of you on a safe summit.  Here’s to a safe return to Base Camp.  Thanks also for taking good care of Bill and Sara McGahan.

Posted by: Mac Bridges on

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