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Mexico:  Seeing the sites in Mexico

"No one knew who they were. . . or what they were doing. . ." But with help from our archeologist guide, Jorge, we got a fascinating glimpse of the ancient city of Teotihuacan. Exploring the Avenue of the Dead and the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon it was remarkable to imagine that these dry ruins once supported the bulk of central Mexico's commerce and over 120,000 people. The city is actually built on top of multiple variations of previous cities that were covered and preserved. Quite a tour of an amazing site where you could spend lifetimes unlocking the secrets buried beneath the volcanic rock. After scratching the surface of the 2000 year old city we took a tour of a local obsidian factory where the volcanic glass is hand carved into traditional Aztec figures and masks as well as meticulously crafted silver jewelery. By this point in our day it was time for lunch and after a very short drive we sat down to another great meal before travelling to our home for the next few days, La Malintzi. Here we will accclimatize and prepare for our attempt of Pico de Orizaba. RMI Guide Jake Beren

On The Map

Comments (2)

You know how I love the mystical stone from ancient times   Miss you Love, Rollie

Posted by: Rollie Allen on

Mom - We miss you and we bet you got some “meticulously crafted silver jewelry” yesterday! Love Libby and Robby

Posted by: Libby and Robby on

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