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Waiting for the Weather Window

Mark Tucker here at Basecamp in my down pants because it is a cold one tonight. Yesterday was very windy at base and likewise up at Camp Two. We have minimal staff at Camp Two and to lose tents and equipment up there, could be a big set back for the expedition. Lucky for us the report from above is that all is well. Over the years through trial and error, we have come up with a standard of equipment that will stand up to the extreme conditions higher up the mountain (most of the time). Right now wind is not our friend. With the team finished with its rotations up high, and getting toward the end of this rest cycle, its time to go for the summit! We wish. Unfortunately the jet stream is parked over or near enough to Everest that the thought is to wait a few more days before heading uphill. We are looking at weather forecasting models that help us make a smart decision when factoring all the relevant concerns to come up with the greatest chance of a safe and successful summit. We really love it here, but you can only have so much of a good thing. As soon as possible we will get it done and start our journey back to the home land.

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