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Training at Everest Base Camp

Linden checked in from Everest Base Camp today. They spent some of the early afternoon in the lower Kumbu working on cramponing, fixed line travel and self and team arrest getting ready for the upcoming climb of Island Peak. They also were able to witness first hand the work of the legendary Ice Fall Doctors as they worked to put in a route on the Khumbu Ice Fall preparing it for the upcoming climbers. The team enjoyed some company at Base Camp this evening as RMI's Jeff Martin and Mark Tucker (RMI Everest Basecamp Manager) joined the team for dinner. Jeff and Mark will be putting the finishing touches on Everest Base Camp prior to the climbing team's arrival in a few days. This will be the climbers home base for the next two and a half months. Tomorrow the Island Peak team will leave the comforts of Everest Base Camp and climb to the Summit of Kala Patar, a small peak across the valley from Everest on the lower slopes of Pumori. Tonight they enjoyed the views from Base Camp, and although they are sad to leave the comforts of camp, they are looking forward to what is ahead...reaching the summit of Island Peak.

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Arrival in Everest Base Camp

April 4, 2010

Leaving BC, visiting Kala Patar

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