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Mountaineering Knots & Hitches

Mountaineering Knots & Hitches

The rope skills presented here are a collection of mountaineering knots and hitches that climbers should know in order to feel comfortable and properly prepared when joining an expedition. This presentation is meant for climbers who have already learned the skills in the mountains and are looking for a quick refresher of terminology and skills. This resource is not a comprehensive guide!

Basic Knots

Overhand Knot

Overhand Knot


Overhand Knot On a Bight

Overhand Bight Knot


Figure Eight Knot

Overhand Bight Knot


Figure Eight Follow Through Knot

Figure Eight Follow Through Knot



Figure Eight Knot On a Bight

Figure Eight Bight Knot


Double Fisherman's Knot

Double Fishermans Knot


Butterfly Knot

Butterfly Knot


Overhand Bend Knot

Overhand Bend Knot


Bowline Knot

Bowline Knot


Basic Hitches

Girth Hitch

Girth Hitch


Clove Hitch

Clove Hitch


Munter Hitch

Munter Hitch


Prussik Hitch

Prussik Hitch


Autoblock Hitch

Autoblock Hitch


Klemheist Hitch

Klemheist Hitch


Trucker's Hitch

Truckers Hitch


Taught Line Hitch

Taught Line Hitch

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