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Connect with us on our social channels for updates on expeditions around the world, inspiration for your next adventure, tips on training, and so much more. Have a question about anything climbing? Shoot us a DM and we'll track down the right person to answer your question. 

Excited to share your climbing experiences? Use the hashtag #rmiexpeditions or tag us in your photos. We love to hear from the climbing community!


In honor of our 50th anniversary, we will be sharing stories of first climbs, from Joe Horiskey's first climb of Mt. Rainier where he carried a load of food to Camp Muir to barter for a cheaper guide fee, to Peter Whittaker's first climb of Rainier when he was 12 years old. We'll also be featuring first climbs from our guides and climbers.

Have a story that you want to share? Send your text along with 3 to 5 accompanying photos to [email protected].

Topics could include:

Stories and photos that we select will be featured on our social media channels and on the RMI Blog. Those selected will receive a kit of goodies from RMI. Keep an eye on #50yearsofclimbing!

The number of submissions is not limited and participants may share as many photos as desired throughout the duration of the contest (June 1 - October 7, 2018). Ideal submissions will be between 800 and 1200 words and accompanied by 3 to 5 photographs with captions.
All submissions must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] made by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry. The authorized account holder is the natural person who is assigned to the e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider, or other organization that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. If you fail to provide the information requested with the photo, RMI reserves the right to create a caption or discard that submission. By submitting a photograph for participation the entrant acknowledges that RMI will reshare the photo on RMI’s website and social media platforms for further distribution. The participant also grants RMI non-exclusive rights for use of the photograph in electronic and print marketing materials without restrictions or royalty obligations. Photographer will be contacted to request permission and photo credit will be given to the entrant for any photograph used for commercial purposes.
All successful entrants will receive a gift from RMI of approximately $15. Winners will be contacted by RMI to request a mailing address. Shipping costs to winners are the responsibility of RMI. Addresses and other personal information will not be shared, sold, or stored for any other purpose.
Please direct any further question to [email protected]

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