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Posted by: Dave Hahn, Mark Tucker, Seth Waterfall
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Everest
Elevation: 29,035

On The Map
Posted by: Pete Van Deventer, Matias Francis, David Price, Nathan Delmar, Josh Hankin, Augi Fleer
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The Mt. Rainier Summit Climb teams, led be RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer and Matias Francis crested the crater rim at 8:15 a.m. Although the sun is shining, the skies are a bit hazy. The team will spend some time on top before starting the descent.
Congratulations to today's summit climbers!
Its with great humility that I thank Pete and Matias (ma-TE-us, get it right, and sorry for teasing you about it) for taking me, my children (Josh and Molly) and my children’s friends (Dylan, Bri, Brett and Luke) up that morning and congratulations to Josh and Dylan (and the other 4 climbers that morning) for summitting. Also, Special thanks to Josh Hankin for the great instruction, Augi Fleeras for guiding my daughter and Bri down and for Nathan Delmar (sorry about the macramé Joke-I’m sure it gets old and for bringing me down and not dropping me into a crevasse) and David Price (you are just an all around good dude). You guides do something amazing and I’ve seen amazing. Not only do you shoulder the responsibility for taking mostly unprepared climbers up this mountain and protect our lives, but you also trust us tourists to belay you and trust us not to make a lethal mistake and cost you your lives. And you do it every day and not for the money (pizza joke really not that funny). Pete, Matias and Josh especially, you guys are truly the most professional, mature, confident and athletic people I have every known, a special breed of individual who loves and appreciates the beauty of mountaineering so much that you go to extreme lengths to share it with others, many of us who have no business seeing it first hand, yet you do it with confidence and poise knowing that when we fall off or fall in, you can save us. Pete, thank you for recognizing that I needed to turn around and sending me down with Nathan. Also Pete and Matias, thank you for not stopping until Josh and Dylan were at the top in spite of the route conditions. To Peter and Kerri Whittaker, only got to say “hi” momentarily to you but it was both an honor and a pleasure. Thank you for finding guides like Pete, Matias, Josh, Augi, Nathan and David so a kid (old kid) from Kansas who has always dreamed of the mountains could experience Mountaineering first hand.
Chris Banwart
Posted by: Jon Banwart on 8/31/2021 at 7:50 pm
Great job everybody!!!!!
Felicitaciones Nicko!!!!!
Posted by: Jose Fulginiti on 8/28/2021 at 1:13 pm
Posted by: Adam Knoff, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Everest BC Trek and Lobuche

Day 16-17
Waking into Namche this round through was much different than the first time. Despite our sizable group, we were by no means the largest on the trail.
This place is now in full swing with Everest climbers, international trekking teams and yak trains going up the valley towards Everest Base Camp.
Even though the traffic resembled more of a US interstate than a single-track trail, we were pleased to land back at camp de base where we were welcomed with hot showers, Nepal Ice “extra strong beer” and the comforts of nice rooms with personal bathrooms. The hike was roughly 8 miles from Pangboche consisting of many ups and downs but nothing the seasoned team couldn’t handle.
After a normal 7:30 breakfast the following morning, we set our sights on Lukla, home of the infamous dead-end runway and gateway to Everest. Eleven miles and 6 hours after leaving Namche we strolled in with time to spare before dinner so naps all around became the team activity. The clouds were thick as pea soup by 7 pm so our flight status was a bit unknown. With fingers crossed we went to bed. When our alarms ripped us awake at 5 am the disheartening presence of this fog was still lingering out the window.
We made our way anyhow, walking to the airport to check in and hope for the best. After waiting for ten hours to fly on the way in, we were not hoping for a repeat. Two hours in we were beginning to get a bit worried and then the first plane landed. Ten minutes later we were loaded up and, in our way, back to Kathmandu!
Now we are clean, fed and content, celebrating a fun and successful trip. I can’t thank this team enough for a great few weeks in Nepal.
This wraps up the Everest Base Camp and Lobuche expedition. Thanks for following!
RMI Guides Adam Knoff and Hannah Smith and Team
Amazing trip. Would do it all over again. This trip changed the trajectory of my life. Thank you for your expertise guidance and comeraderie
Posted by: Eva on 4/9/2022 at 3:17 am
Congratulations! If you are in southwest Idaho, look us up!
Posted by: Molly Knoff Vaughn on 4/8/2022 at 10:01 am

100% team success on Pico de Orizaba!! We really had to dig deep for this one, but the months of training, hard work, and discipline landed us on top of the third tallest peak in North America today.
From Piedra Grande we head straight up an old aqueduct turned trail with loose rock and scree covering the winding trail. Ixta had us prepared for this though and the team made short work of the trail and up to the base of a feature called the Labyrinth. True to its name it’s a winding maze like feature made of rock that ascending teams must scramble and navigate in order to gain access to the glacier above. Once there, the never ending descending escalator begins. It takes us about three and half hours to climb from base to top. With no good place to take a break, it’s certainly a marathon. The team dug deep, pulled together and summitted the highest point in Mexico.
Congratulations! Awesome job. Looks like it was a beautiful day up there.
Posted by: Patrick Johnson on 3/5/2022 at 10:00 pm
Posted by: Adam Knoff, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Everest BC Trek and Lobuche
Elevation: 17,575'

Today was not unlike most of our others the last week. Breakfast, packing then walking. Except today we would finally reach Everest Base Camp. It is almost agonizing to see the bright yellow tents in the distance and feel like they are not getting any closer. But three hours of steady walking landed the entire team safely at the Base Camp rock. We were greeted upon arrival by our gracious Base Camp Staff with cookies and hot tea. The views of the Khumbu icefall, Mt. Everest and Nupste were incredible the entire morning. After our entrance greeting, we hiked the final 30 minutes to our camp site and enjoyed hot showers, a great dinner and interesting sounds of far off avalanches.
Everyone is now tucked into their cozy tents ready for a good nights rest. We will report tomorrow after our hike back to Lobuche.
Hey Hannah and Adam!!!
This is So Cool!!!
Farmer Dave
Posted by: Dave Kestel on 4/2/2022 at 11:12 am
Congrats on hike well done! Glad weather is your blessing. Best returning.
Posted by: Jane on 3/31/2022 at 12:05 pm

Yesterday all members of the RMI Mexico team arrived safely in Mexico City. With a quick team meeting to cap off the night, we were off to bed to sleep off the long day of travel.
La Malinche is the first objective of the trip, an acclimatization hike that takes us up to 14,501 ft. We couldn’t have picked a better day for it. Warm, nearly windless weather greeted us at the base and followed us all the way to the summit of the peak. For many of us it was our high point! We spent a good 30 minutes up high taking in the views, petting the dogs that would mosey our way, and eating our favorite snacks (maybe that’s why the dogs came over). Before long it was time to head down, we had carne asada to get to. A safe and uneventful descent followed, just the way we like it, and the team enjoyed some relaxation before our delicious dinner. Now it’s time to rest up for the next leg of the journey. We head to Ixta Basecamp tomorrow!
Posted by: Mike King, Taylor Bickford, Henry Coppolillo, Cal Smith, Axel Ryd, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'
Due to overhead hazards, the Mt. Rainier Summit Climb, led by RMI Guides Mike King and Taylor Bickford, turned at Ingraham Flats. They reported smoky skies and a busy route. After packing up at Camp Muir, the team began their descent to Paradise at 9:00 a.m.
Posted by: Geoff Schellens
Categories: Mountaineering Fitness & Training

Thanks for this. Definitely want to start implementing some of the techniques you mentioned. Applicable for more than ice-climbing!
Chelsea |
Posted by: Chelsea on 4/1/2018 at 3:50 pm
I will be 66 this May. I am active mountain biking regularly am not overweight but live in New Jersey.
I’m a sea level baby. A few years ago about 5 or 6 my brother-in-law who has summered Rainier dozens of times even Denali without oxygen took me up the mountain. Within sight of Muir after sleeping around 9000 feet the next morning carrying my heavy pack I just ran out of gas.
I want to Summit Rainier.
This year I am very busy with trips but want to do it in 2019.
How should I approach this.
I want to use RMI.
Posted by: Norm Price on 1/8/2018 at 6:05 am
On The Map
Dear Nat, John and Dave, looks like things are going well!!!! So happy for you all to be sharing this experience. Can’t wait to hear all the stories. Happy trails. Beth,Bill,Rachel,Lauren&Maria; :)
Posted by: Mastros on 8/1/2013 at 9:49 am
Way to go Samantha!! So very proud of you and Team Junell! A couple more days and you will be at the Summit and it will all be worth it. Enjoy yourselves and have fun. Lots of Love!
Posted by: Beverly Jones on 8/1/2013 at 9:47 am
Congratulations, felicidades! 15 th summit!!! Great. Regards from Costa Rica
Posted by: Silke on 5/23/2013 at 7:51 pm
Huge Congratulations! You guys were patient, waited until the right time, even when all others were making their summit bids, and you always seem to be successful. Great climbing. Bill Bussey
Posted by: Bill Bussey on 5/23/2013 at 7:20 am
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