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Entries from Ecuador

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier recaps Cayambe summit climb

Monday, January 27, 2025 - 11:43 pm PT

What a proper effort that was. Every member of our team pushed themselves today and some reached the summit of Cayambe, while others reached personal high points. Overall, the climb was a great learning experience.

It was a pretty challenging climb. We sat in the hut for most of the day yesterday because it was too rainy to go outside. Then knowing we needed to get an early start, we left the hut with wind and a light mist, wearing hard shell jackets and pants. We had to push towards the upper mountain gambling on some clearing in the weather and we got just that, SOME clearing. We faced moderate winds for most of the remainder of the climb as well as clouds that obscured visibility at times. Everyone had a thin layer of rime ice.

We're now headed to a hacienda for two nights of rest before heading off to Cotopaxi!

RMI Guide Dustin Witmier

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Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Summit Cayambe!

RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier and Mike Bennett and the Ecuador Volcanoes team reached the summit of Cayambe earlier this morning. 


Way to climb!

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Outstanding work! That’s a hard-earned summit right there. Looking good team. Dustin & Mike will need to start paying rent for the top of that volcano after all their time they spend there!


Posted by: Joseph Mueller on 1/29/2025 at 5:15 am

Hey Team….I speak from experience…You have an Incredible guide Dustin!!! But pretty sure you all know that by now!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/28/2025 at 3:03 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Waiting out the Weather on Cayambe

We are settled in at the Cayambe Hut. It has been raining constantly since early this morning, so we are hunkering down until we see a weather window to review some climbing skills.

Our plan is to climb tonight, but we do need the weather to improve. Despite that, every individual's preparations have already been made and now it's just a game of wait and see. We will update you tomorrow!

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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Hey Dustin! Sending Best wishes for perfect climbing weather!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/27/2025 at 3:34 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Shop in Otavalo, Arrive at Lower Cayambe Hut

Onward and upward! 

The team begins its transition into the high alpine, leaving behind the comforts of city life as they begin their first climb of Cayambe. After a casual morning enjoying the Otavalo market, the team drove to the lower Cayambe hut where they sorted gear for the climb and did final fit checks on all the technical gear. After a freshly prepared Ecuadorian dinner, the team is settling in for their last full night of sleep before moving up to the high hut to begin their climb. 

RMI Guide Mike Bennett

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Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Conclude Trip

Well, that's a wrap on the entire trip. Our final day also coincided with a 40th birthday party, so we celebrated at La Briciola, a nice Italian restaurant in Quito. We shared laughs as people recounted funny moments from the trip and even had a couple laughs about things that felt more serious in the moment; mountaineering is fun, but can also be stressful.

This trip was a success before we even stepped foot on any of the mountains. Each member of the team prepared diligently and showed up in Ecuador ready to climb, if the mountains would allow safe passage. In the end, all three big mountains allowed such and we had the privilege of visiting three beautiful summits. Had we reached none of these summits, I would be equally proud of this team for all the mental and physical training they accomplished before arriving here. A job well done team.

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team go three for three in Ecuador!

Three for three! The seminar team had another successful climb this morning, topping out their last climb of the trip and Ecuador’s tallest peak: Chimborazo (20,561’). Fresh snow and cold temps made for challenging climbing conditions, but the team was rewarded with a calm summit sunrise and spectacular views of the surrounding volcanoes. Now off the mountain, the team is enjoying some rest and relaxation at Abraespungo before making the migration back to Quito for a final wrap up of the expedition. 

RMI Guide Mike Bennett

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Awesome!!! Awesome Dustin and Team!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/20/2025 at 12:01 pm

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Settled in at Chimborazo High Camp

Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 3:35 pm PT

We are settled into bed at Chimborazo High Camp. The afternoon was a little stormy, with off and on graupel storms and a few lightning strikes in the distance. However, right now it is only partly cloudy and the mountain peaks out from time to time.

The road has gotten long, and we have done a nice job of adapting to the uncertainty of climbing big mountains in a country with sometimes precarious infrastructure. Challenges have included BUT HAVE NOT BEEN LIMITED TO: bumpy car rides, food-borne illnesses, rapid ascent to high altitude, trying to get a table for 15 weary people to eat lunch and so on.

Now, we face one last mountaineering challenge, and the group is up for it. If the current weather holds, we will make our attempt tonight! However it shakes out, the group can be proud of everything they have learned throughout this trip.

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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Best wishes for Perfect weather and the Strength of Superman to you and your Team Dustin!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/19/2025 at 2:30 am

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Summit Cotopaxi

We have now visited the summits of two big volcanoes on this trip. This morning, just as the sun was rising, the team reached the summit of Cotopaxi. It was absolutely incredible to see the crater and striking ice features at the summit mixed with the early morning colors. As you ascend the route, you are on the north and west aspects of the mountain. We were under a dark sky for most of the climb. As we were nearing the crater rim, first light was upon us and once we crested over it, the golden glow of the sun below the horizon greeted us to the east. It was the perfect reward for all members of the group as each person had to work through a challenge unique to them.

Now we turn our sights to Chimborazo and preparing our bodies and minds to climb, if the mountain grants us the opportunity.

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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That Is Awesome Dustin!!!! Spectacular pictures!!!! Congratulations to All of you!!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/17/2025 at 4:36 am

Looks like a great group of climbers, continued success with Chimborazo!!


Posted by: Ray Wittmier on 1/16/2025 at 5:52 pm

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Enjoy Rest and Rope Work on Day Off

The team got some much-needed rest at the hacienda Casa Ilayaku over the last two days, enjoying sunny weather and local food. Down time was spent lounging out in the sun, reading books, and doing some light yoga. The team also continued to work on their technical skills, dialing in some more rope work. The team spent time learning the fundamentals of anchor construction, rappelling, and belaying techniques. They depart to the Cotopaxi hut today with the intention of climbing tonight. 

RMI Guide Mike Bennett

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All the best for Perfect weather, strong legs and big strong lungs!! Climb Strong!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/15/2025 at 10:24 am

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Reach Summit of Cayambe

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier checked in this morning to let us know the team reached the summit of Cayambe with 100% success.

The team will make a stop for lunch before continuing to their next hacienda, Casa Ilayku. The team will enjoy a well deserved rest day tomorrow.

Nice work team!

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That is a Spectacular picture!!! Congratulations to You and your Team!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/13/2025 at 3:16 pm

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