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Entries from Mongolia

Mongolia: Frank and Team Tour Ulaanbaatar and Experience Nadaam Festival

After a few delayed flights and minor complications, all members of the Mongolia climbing team have arrived and are getting settled here in Ulaanbataar, Mongolia. We are all a bit jet-lagged but this morning after a quick breakfast meeting, we struck out to see the sights and sounds of city. The Sukhbaatar Square, the National History Museum, first Buddhist temple and Russian Friendship Monument filled our morning. After a quick pit stop for lunch, we journeyed outside of the city to witness the Nadaam festival. Nadaam is the Mongolian celebration of their three main sports: wrestling, archery, and horsemanship. We were treated to front row seats for all three competitions. After the archery competition, they even invited us to try pulling the bows and shooting a few arrows. Suffice to say, they make it look a lot easier then it was for us. A traditional Mongolian dinner rounded out the day and we are in bed early to prepare for morning flight to Olgii on the other side of the country. RMI Guide Eric Frank
Leave a Comment For the Team (2)

WOO HOO!! So proud of you sweet girl! Love you

Posted by: Jami carino on 7/14/2019 at 11:19 am

So proud of you, Em! What an inspiration and testament you are to put in the work & following your dreams! To many more summits in this lifetime! Love ya mountain mama!

Posted by: Emma Patrick on 7/14/2019 at 10:58 am

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