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Entries from Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu: Grom & Team Reach Machu Picchu

Hello again from Peru.

What an amazing two days we’ve had!

Yesterday the team had a big day hiking the Inca Trail from Llulluchapampa to Winay Wayna. It was a beautiful day with outstanding views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Along the way we visited several Incan ruins, including Winay Wayna, which is considered a mini Machu Picchu. We wrapped up the our last night camping in the mountains with another wonderful meal and said our goodbyes to incredibly gracious crew of 20 porters and 4 cooks and handed out their much deserved tips.

Today the team rose early for our final hike into Machu Picchu. We left camp shortly after 4 a.m. and headed to the entrance where we had to wait a short while for the park to open up. We hiked for a little more than an hour before reaching the famous Sun Gate of Machu Picchu, where the winter solstice sun rises to shine on the center of Machu Picchu. Unfortunately it was very socked in and so we took a long break hoping it would clear up. Thankfully right as we had given up on the clouds clearing and started our way down the trail the clouds parted and we had stunning views. We spent the majority of the day taking in the scenery, taking endless pictures and touring the grounds of the majestic place. I’ll be the first to tell you that all the pictures and articles about this place don’t come close to how astonishing this place is in person.

The team has safely descended to the valley floor and have had hot shower and are relaxing in our comfortable hotel!


RMI Guides Casey Grom and Jess Wedel, and the Chaskis (Incan mountain runners).

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Machu Picchu: Grom & Team Enjoy Awesome Day on Inca Trail

Sunday, August 11, 2024 - 4:35 AM PT


Today we had an awesome day on the official Inca trail. We got an early start and headed up to Dead Woman’s Pass. We started low at 9,800ft and ascended to nearly 14,000ft. The views were beautiful and we took the time to take it all in. We got really lucky as the clouds socked in minutes after we left the pass on our descent to camp.

After over 4,000ft of gain and nearly 2,500ft of loss, we rolled into our camp with tired legs. Another delicious dinner and we are all off to an early bed. We have another big day tomorrow - traveling over two smaller passes and visiting many Inca sites along the way.

RMI Guides Jess, Casey and team

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Machu Picchu: Grom and Team Enjoy Cool Day of Trekking

Buenos Dias Amigos!

All is well here in Peru. The team is doing great and have been enjoying the trek thus far. It was nice leisurely day with easy walking and cool temperatures as the clouds overhead kept the sun off. We had a few sprinkles as we made our way out of the Salkantay Valley and have now joined the Inca Trail proper.

We visited a massive old Incan ruin that was believed to be a check point along the way and have descended into lower altitude and the lush forest.

Hot showers, well almost, more warm than hot - but enjoyed nonetheless by almost everyone. And the incredible food continues to be produced from our gracious crew.

RMI Guides Casey, Jess and the Incan crew

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Machu Picchu: Grom and Team Break Altitude Records on the Way to Llulluchapampa

Hola from Peru!

Today the team awoke to beautifully clear skies right beneath the massive and towering Salkantay mountain, which is 20’000’+ feet. It’s covered in snow and glaciers so much it felt like we were in the Himalayas. We then hit the trail and headed uphill to our high point of the trip at just over 16’000’ feet, which definitely was a new height for a few team members. Everyone did great and enjoyed the nice long descent to our new camp at 12’600’. It was a beautiful hike in one of the most spectacular valleys I’ve ever seen.

Our outfitter has been incredibly gracious with having camp set up each day before we arrive, along with feeding us 3 amazing meals a day.

RMI Guides Casey, Jess, and the Inca Trail crew!

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Machu Picchu: Grom, Wedel & Team Arrive in the heart of the Andes

Thursday, August 8, 2924 - 5:11 am PT


We left Cusco early this morning, taking a bumpy and winding road into the heart of the Andes. We were all a little queasy from the bus ride but when we opened the door to views of Tukarway (19,499ft) and Salkantay (20,574ft) all was okay. There are no words for the feeling of being surrounded by jagged peaks with glaciers, snow and ice. The views were beyond beautiful.

After a second breakfast, we started our trek. Winding through the valley with mountains reigning above us at every turn. After a few hours we stopped for lunch. We promise not to tell you all because we want you to think we’re hardcore but we did indeed have a 3-course meal seated at a table right in the middle of the trail. Fresh avocado and vegetables, warm soup, followed by mashed potatoes and beef medallions. Okay, okay, okay. I’ll move on, but it was divine. 

After lunch we had a steeper climb for a couple hours to our camp at 15,500 feet!! Right at the toe of the Salkantay Glacier. Our tents opening up to the mountain before us, we saw ice falls and avalanches cascading down the slopes. We are all exhausted after little sleep last night and our first big day on the trail.We’re tucked in now with hot water bottles and sleeping bags fully zipped - it’s likely our chilliest night of the whole trek.

Tomorrow we’ll head over Salkantay Pass at nearly 16,000 feet and then descend around the mountain to our next camp.

With tired feet and big smiles,

RMI Guides Jess, Casey and team

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Machu Picchu: Team Explores Cusco Peru

Hello again everyone! 

It was another beautiful day here in Cusco Peru. The team spent the morning visiting several more interesting Incan archaeological site above the city with massive stone structures and panoramic views of the valley.

We then headed to the old town and visit the Sun Temple and then made to the beautiful basilica that sit in the main square of Cusco.

It was another busy day and the team spent the remainder of the day packing up and then headed out for one more fantastic Peruvian fusion dinner.

It’s off to bed we go as tomorrow we head out early for the start of our Trek!!!

RMI Guides Casey Grom, Jess Wedel and the Inca crew

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Machu Picchu: Grom, Wedel & Team Visit Sacred Valley

Greetings from Peru everyone.

Today the team started our day with a nice hearty breakfast full of fresh baked bread, local jams, fresh fruit, eggs and an assortment of cheese. Happily washed down with more coffee than most of us needed.

We then boarded our awaiting bus and headed into the surrounding mountains and made our way the beautiful Sacred Valley to visit several massive Inca archeological sites. The first stop was to Ollantaytambo, an ancient Fortress with massive stonework, cobblestone roads and massive terraces used for farming. It was incredibly impressive learning about the area and that all the of massive stones were only moved by hand. We then continued up the Sacred Valley to visit Pisac which is another large and beautiful Incan archaeological site that was equally as impressive. After exploring for a while we made our way back to a nearby local market for some lunch and a little shopping.

It was long but wonderful experience and we wrapped up the evening with another delicious Peruvian meal not far from our hotel. Everyone is doing great and excited for what tomorrow will bring.

RMI Guides Casey, Jess and the Machu Picchu crew!

PC: Jess Wedel

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Machu Picchu: Grom, Wedel & Team Arrive in Cusco, Peru

Hello everybody back home!

You’ll be glad to know all of your loved ones have safely arrived in Cusco.

We spent the day getting settled in at 11,152 feet. Yes, you read that correctly, 11,000 feet! Cusco is located high in the Peruvian Andes. We were welcomed to town by a parade of people — dancing through the streets in vibrant costumes to the beat of drums, trombones, flutes and more.

Everyone has remarked on how colorful and alive this city is and we are all looking forward to learning more of the culture and history in the next couple days before we begin our trek. After a team meeting, we headed out for our first team dinner. Peru is known for their food and so far it hasn’t disappointed. 

We’re all back at the hotel now, ready for a good night’s sleep after long travel days. Tomorrow we head to the Sacred Valley.

RMI Guides Jess, Casey and team

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Machu Picchu: King & Team Complete Trek, Arrive at Machu Picchu

We had an early wake up this morning at Winay Wayna so our Porters could catch an early train home after their impressive work the last 3 days. We let camp clear of the other trekking groups and began our hike to the Sun Gate at the top of the Machu Picchu Sanctuary around 5:45 am. Overcast skies kept the early day cool and as the team descended into Machu Picchu  taking in the stellar vantage point. Since the pandemic, the way people are routed through the site has allowed for less crowding and more time in the different points of interest. We got some sun to make the pictures pop and provide context to the intricate terracing that makes this site so unique. Our Peruvian guides Marco & Jaime gave a nice 2 hour tour and history lesson. We are at the hotel in Aquas Calientes for some R&R. Tomorrow we'll return to Machu Picchu for some more wandering around and possibly a hike up Huyna Picchu depending on the weather and how people's leg/feet are feeling. Regardless, it will be a nice morning to wrap up this trek before catching a train back to Cusco.

Thanks for checking in. 

RMI Guide Mike King

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Awesome Mike!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 8/16/2022 at 6:34 pm

Machu Picchu: King & Team Trek Closer to Machu Picchu

Monday, August 15, 2022 - 3:25 am PT

Up, up and away! Right out of camp we immediately climbed several sections of steep Inca steps. Layers were quickly shed at our first stop of the day, Runkurakay, about half way up to the 13,000 foot pass. This site was a beautiful outpost thought to be a check point for pilgrims along the Inca trail. After a brief history lesson here we continued to climb until we hit the top of the pass. Here we were rewarded with world class views of tall glaciated peaks, soaring granite towers and deep rainforest river valleys. Then it was down, down, down. The rest of the day was spent descending from our high point. Our transition from the dry alpine zone into the cloud forest was equally impressive. We passed through lush jungle and dozens of orchids, admiring the stunning colors. We also had several stops at historic Inca sites on our descent. Each one becoming more elaborate and impressive as we got closer to Machu Picchu. The two biggest sites were right next to camp, Intipata and Wiñaywayna. These sites had numerous large terraces, complex drainage systems, and housing complexes. Our excitement was growing knowing the greatest of the Inca sites was yet to come, Machu Picchu! Tonight we go to bed extra early since we’re planning to get an alpine start to beat the crowds.


RMI Guides Mike King, Jack Delaney and the team

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