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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Blais & Team at High Camp

RMI Base, this is Alex Barber calling in with RMI's Aconcagua team. Today we moved to Camp 3 and are in place for our summit bid tomorrow morning. The team did a great job today battling the cold winds into our high camp of 19,600 feet. The team is settled in and we're preparing ourselves for the summit push. Hopefully our next dispatch will be a call from the summit of the highest peak outside of the Himalaya. We will talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye. RMI Guide Alex Barber

RMI Guide Alex Barber calls in from High Camp.

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Way to go Adrienne!  Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back. 

Shannon & Pat

Posted by: Shannon O'Boyle on 1/12/2015 at 10:18 am

Crush it!

We’re all rooting for you back here in Vancouver =)
Nick, Andrea, Julia, Emily and Kai

Posted by: Nick Grabovac on 1/12/2015 at 9:06 am

Aconcagua: Blais & Team Check In from Camp 2

Buenes dias. This is the Aconcagua team checking in from Camp 2, aka Guanacos Camp. After moving from Camp 1 to Camp 2 yesterday, today was perfect conditions for an acclimatization hike toward Camp 3. We are planning on moving to Camp 3 tomorrow to take advantage of the favorable weather forecast. We'll update after the move. Adios until then. RMI Guide Zeb Blais and Team

RMI Guide Zeb Blais calls in from Camp 2.

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Aconcagua: Justman & Team Spend First Night at Bascamp

It is supposed to be a day of rest here in base camp but let's be honest! How can you rest when the Green Bay Packers are playing and there isn't a television in sight! Go Green Bay!!! Our Aconcagua Team is rocking it! After our first night at base everyone woke up feeling great! We had a great breakfast of scrambled eggs and now we are down to business getting ready for our carry to Camp 1. The team says hello to family and friends. Pass the word around of our blog and keep wishing us luck. But with a team like this, who needs luck! Start sending in your comments, we'd love to hear from you! RMI Guide JJ Justman

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David,  Good Luck.  That’s a damn high mountain!!

Posted by: Lloyd on 1/11/2015 at 9:06 pm

G returned safely from Colorado this afternoon, and we had a nice visit with Irena.  It finally warmed up a bit this weekend, but it is snowing for the fourth time since you two left.  Should have given me lessons on using the snowblower.  Had a great dinner with the Dunnes, Sullivans and Josses last night.  Everyone missed you and had lots of questions about your trip.  Pat has been looking for you on the live feed from base camp, but so far no Jenny or David sightings.  Have a good day tomorrow.  Be safe! Love, Mom/Nan

Posted by: Nancy Hines on 1/11/2015 at 8:25 pm

Aconcagua: Blais & Team Move to Camp 2

RMI Base, this is Alex Barber calling in with the Aconcagua Team. This morning was perfectly clear with light winds. Definitely an appreciated contrast from yesterday's windstorm at Camp 1. We took full advantage of this clear weather today and pushed up to Camp 2. Everyone on the team did extremely well and now we are sitting tight here at Camp 2 playing cards and eating snack food, and plotting our summit attempt. Tomorrow is just a rest day, so we will check back in with you from Camp 2 sometime tomorrow. Adios. RMI Guide Alex Barber

RMI Guide Alex Barber calls in from Aconcagua Camp 2.

On The Map

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Hi Julian,
We are thinking of you and Stephen. We wish you both the best of luck as you push for the summit. Love Dad and Mum

Posted by: Elizabeth Bannister on 1/10/2015 at 8:33 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Reach Base Camp

It always feels so good to get to Base Camp! This morning the team crossed the cold Vacas River and began the trek to our new home up the Relinchos Valley. We had clear skies and for once little to no wind to combat with which made everyone quite grateful! Upon arriving the cool staff had juice, cheese, cold meats and melon for us to recover with! For now the team will sent up tents, take a siesta and prepare themselves for our always delicious base camp dinner's. Tomorrow's agenda has us taking a rest day, life is rough! Stay tuned! RMI Guide Steve Gately & Team
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Hey Sue, Jo & Robert,
Congrats on reaching Base Camp.  Enjoy your rest day and the food, and don’t forget your manners…..as on Kili, when preping your coffee remember to say “PLEASE pass the powdered cow”!
I predict your team will power up the hill on your carry to camp 2!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on 1/10/2015 at 8:57 am

Keep up the good climb, sue and team.  Love following your travels. Raining here in Orange county today and tomorrow.

Posted by: Patty on 1/10/2015 at 8:48 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Continue Trek to Base Camp

Well well well! Here we are at Casa de Piedra at 11,000' plus feet. For those of you that no habla espanol, Casa de Piedra is Spanish for The house of...Piedra (God bless you Chris Farley). Team 4 had a beautiful walk into our second trekking camp. And of course as we looked up the Relinchos valley we had our first great view of Aconcagua. It is always breezy here at this camp so we are hunkered in for the time being. Tomorrow Base Camo!! RMI Guide JJ Justman & Team
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Go Sue! Everything’s under control here.  Enjoy and be safe!

Posted by: Linda on 1/9/2015 at 9:00 am

Robert, Joe, and Sue,
Pole Pole! 
I can’t wait to read more of these blog entries, and imagine the incredible terrain through which you must be hiking. I’m thinking of you every day, and will be waiving from the lowly slopes of Mt Hood on a summit attempt tomorrow night. I can’t believe it has been almost a year since Kili… Happy early birthday to both of you ladies!

Posted by: Sarah on 1/8/2015 at 11:37 pm

Aconcagua: Blais and Team Take a Rest Day at Camp 1

Hi, This is Zeb Blais checking in from Camp 1 on Aconcagua. Yesterday we spent our day hunkered down from the winds. It was a rest day and we ended up gong for a short walk to stretch our legs, other than that we were hiding out from the wind. (transmission breaks)
January 8, 2015 11:24am PST - Zeb Phoned the RMI Office
All is well at Camp 1, the team will be taking another weather day today as the wind did not die out until later in the day, and then it was too late to make the move to Camp 2. The forecast looks good for a move to Camp 2 tomorrow, so that is the plan. All is well and everyone is happy and healthy. RMI Guide Zeb Blais & Team

Zeb Blais checking in from Camp 1 on Aconcagua.

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Aconcagua: Hailes & Team Celebrate Their Success

We successfully made it down from base camp back to Pampa de Lenas. Our celebration asado was an enormous success and went late into the night which may make our final walk to the road a little slower than normal but no one would have it any other way. RMI Guide Walter Hailes & Team
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You guys are amazing!

Posted by: Robin on 1/8/2015 at 10:25 pm

You deserve the celebration!  Great job!!

Posted by: Sandy on 1/8/2015 at 7:08 pm

Aconcagua: Justman and Team Begin Trekking Toward Basecamp

Hey Everyone, This is Team 4. This is JJ, Steve, and Gonzalo and our great climbing team at Leñas, our first trekking camp. I'm sending a Google message. It's tough camp to get email out, but we had a great day walking in. Actually, it was cloudy skies thought it was gonna rain for a bit but it held off. Now we are in the beautiful sunshine here. We're making an assado dinner with the cowboys under an open camp fire. And we're actually watching as I speak Team 2 led by Walter Hailes walking in. It's his crew we wanna give a big congratulations to for a great job done up there making the summit! We will be providing dispatches now on a daily basis let you know how things are going. So far it's all smiles, giggles, and laughs. People were doing really, really well and we are keeping spirits high. We are going to have another great dinner and enjoy another beautiful walk here in the Vacas Valley tomorrow. Thanks for following along. Tell your friends, tell your family and everyone else to follow along. We will see you later on, bye bye. RMI Guide JJ Justman

JJ and the RMI Team checking in from Lenas.

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Go slow and go high Sue, Jo & Robert.  Good vibes from Sausalito!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on 1/8/2015 at 6:28 am

Aconcagua: Hailes & Team Back to Basecamp

We started our downhill progress this morning and it looks like we made it out just in time. We seemed to stay about 30 minutes in front of the clouds, wind, and snow on the descent and quietly enjoyed watching teams move up into the weather as we moved out of it. While the snow did fall in Basecamp, we stayed warm in our group tent, sitting in chairs around a table while snacks and a delicious dinner were brought to us...it's the small stuff. We are all hopeful for a warm valley as we walk out tomorrow. RMI Guide Walter Hailes

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We are excited for your return & to hear all about your adventure! Love you Colin!

Posted by: Stevi on 1/7/2015 at 5:34 pm

Glad you’re back at basecamp!  We’re all anxious for your return home!!

Posted by: Sandy on 1/7/2015 at 5:04 pm

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