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Entries from Chile Ski

Chile Ski: Reid & Team Summit Lonquimay!

First summit of the trip! We may or may not have had a slight mechanical advantage on the approach this morning (chairlift) to Volcan Lonquimay. We were teased with beautiful views of the mountain, although the wind was clearly howling up high. The visibility started to deteriorate as we climbed high above the ski area. We transitioned from skins to boot crampons where the broad terrain gives way to a semi-sharp ridge, and we climbed up and up into the clouds. The wind came in waves with periods of eerie calm in between. We climbed until we could climb no further, enjoyed some nice celebratory summit time, and clicked into our skis. The upper mountain required careful turns in the limited visibility, but 3,000’ lower we were able to finally open it up and just ski. The lifts were still spinning after our huge descent, so we snuck in a few extra laps at the ski area before heading for the lodge for chocolate caliente and cervezas. Lonquimay! RMI Guide Tyler Reid

RMI Guide Tyler Reid calls from the Lonquimay summit!

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Chile Ski: The Team Gets in Some Laps

We got a casual start on our day knowing that the storm was raging on Villarica. That summiting was not going to be an option for today was glaringly obvious in the forecast, but the skiers mind is slightly different from the climbers mind: stormy conditions yield a bunch of new snow, and a bunch of new snow equals powder skiing. Powder skiing equals the polar opposite of defeat. So like yesterday, we set off into the storm, the only skiers on this mountain crazy enough to go touring (the ski areas on these Chilean volcanoes are above treeline, thus relying on good visibility and not too much wind to stay open). Yesterday was Volcano Storm Skiing. Today was just plain storm skiing. We stuck below treeline for most of the day and found some great tree shots. With over a foot of new, dense, fast, springy pow, we put in a skin track, and one lap turned into two laps, then three laps, four laps, five laps... To be skiing in an early succession forest with a cauldron of lava bubbling 5,000' above your head feels exotic. At the end of the day we toured up into the storm to get a sense of how windy it really was in the alpine (and to line ourselves up for a nice glide back to the parking lot). It was windy. Really windy. RMI Guide Tyler Reid
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Chile Ski: Tyler Reid & Team Volcano Storm Skiing on Villarica

Volcan Villarica warm up day... Our goal for today was to have skis on our feet, and driving through the lush lowlands in the rain, there was a sense of disbelief circulating through the van that we would soon see snow, let alone be skiing. Next thing we knew, with Sergio at the helm (our Chilean outfitter) we were fully utilizing the Mitsubishi's 4-wheel drive capabilities to precision glide past stuck vehicles on the steep access road. High snowfall intensity from the sky, high psych intensity from our crew. We spent the afternoon Volcano Storm Skiing. Not to be confused with below treeline storm skiing, where the forest provides terrain definition and the ability to see; Volcano Storm Skiing involves using rocks, closed chairlifts, other skiers, and/or their tracks for definition. When in doubt, have someone else go first. If your hat says 'Guide' on it, that means you are the sacrificial lamb. Get blasted by the wind on the way up, seek refuge in a closed lift station high on the mountain, look up at your teammates and see huge smiles, transition to ski mode. Random outbursts of laughter. Volcano Storm Skiing is awesome. Especially the part about skiing in September. Ski bag = reunited with Jonathan. Sergio was invaluable in solving the logistics of getting it to Pucon. He lent Jon his gear for today and we never missed a beat. Tomorrow looks even stormier... RMI Guide Tyler Reid
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Chile Ski: RMI Guide Tyler Reid & Team Arrive in Temuco

Greetings, So far so good in Chile. Everyone is here and in good spirits and we had a great welcome dinner in the center of Temuco. Powder skiing in the forecast! We'll keep you posted as things progress. RMI Guide Tyler Reid
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10 Reasons To Ski Chile’s Volcanoes

An accomplished skier and mountaineer, RMI Guide Tyler Reid knows a thing or two about exciting ski mountaineering trips and the Chile’s Volcanoes Ski Mountaineering Expedition stands out as one of his favorites. Tyler sat down to reflect on ten of the best things about skiing the Chilean Volcanoes: 10. The Timing. September is an amazing time to be skiing, and a healthy dose does wonders for your patience level while waiting for the Northern Hemisphere winter. Volcan Villarica (RMI Collection) 9. Pisco Sours. The perfect cap on any ski day. Pisco Sours (RMI Collection) 8. Araucarias (Monkey Puzzle Trees). Combined with the volcanic lunar landscapes, these add to the prehistoric nature of the subalpine landscapes, and you get the sensation you might run into dinosaurs at any moment. Araucarias (RMI Collection) 7. Young Volcanoes. Villarica’s summit crater is a boiling cauldron. Llaima last erupted in…2009! The steaming summit crater of Villarica 6. 4 Volcanoes in 10 Days. Many expeditions are lucky to climb one mountain in 10 days. Tyler Reid skiing on Llaima (Katy Reid) 5. The Proximity. The relative spacing of these four mountains could not be more perfect. Less car time, more skiing. The view of Llaima from Villarica (RMI Collection) 4. Light Backpacks. Most international expeditions involve hauling heavy loads. Not really the case on this trip. Three out of four of these peaks we ski with day packs. Katy Reid approaching Lonquimay (Tyler Reid) 3. The Corn. There’s something about Southern Hemisphere corn that’s extra buttery (corn snow that is). Tyler Reid skiing the corn on Llaima (Katy Reid) 2. The Country. Chile is a land of otherworldly landscapes, interesting culture, and incredibly friendly people. Villarica above Pucon (RMI Collection) 1. Aesthetic Lines. The ski descents themselves are even more impressive than the summits. Tyler Reid skiing Llaima (Katy Reid) Find out more about skiing Chile’s Volcanoes this September on RMI’s Chile’s Volcanoes Ski Mountaineering Expedition…
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